Blood Bowl League


Active Member
Yeah, as i say i've only tested Chaos but i'm yet to score a single goal.
I think i can get by just killing off the opposition though.

Chaos versus Orcs would be brutal though.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm actually terrible at this game


Lost 2:0 as Lizards to the Dwarves. They blocked my centre, shut down my run, and my passing game was all behind my lines. Then my Skinks fumbled the ball and it went downhill from there.

I'll give the Orcs a try today.


Active Member
Well at least we all seem to be amateurs at this. I think if we get more than the 9 people it may be worth splitting into skill based leagues :)

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
To everyone having issues: THe learning curve is logarithmic. After a few games, you'll get the hang of it. Some of the teams (chaos, orcs, dwarfs) the best strategy is to pummel the opp team in the first half, then pick up the pieces and walk all over them later.

Consider investing in a couple of rerolls to start with in your team - They are half price when you build a team, and become very expensive to pick up later.

Check this out for some basic tactical explanations;

Dark Elves are viscious

To confirm: I will be playing as Skaven, having come up with a great name: 'The Stilton Stealers'.


Me and Ghostwolf just had an awsome game. 1-1, Was bloody close too! Especially since i only had 2 Runners 2 Witch Elves and about 6 Linesmen x3


Well-Known Member
Staying with goblins for sheer hilarity and randomness. Got my ass handed to me by ski who over a day of playing has managed to shut me down convincingly first half and then i spooned pretty much 3 ball pick up dice one after the other.

Then again had a good game with gombol where didnt spoon so many rolls and my special weapons were very effective.


We also have a TS channel, thanks to Trax. If you want to come idle in it / talk about tactics.


Active Member
Well, I have BB but not the steam version, would be interested in joining in with DE but will have to wait until I'm back from the states!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm in as (unsurprisingly) "Ronin Storm".

Just lost two games as Orcs to Panda's Skaven, but both were hard fought and the second was so very nearly a 1:1 draw. Skaven's speed was punishing as it meant that a ball mistake could easily turn into a touchdown with little the Orcs can do to catch those damn Gutter Runners.

Still, plenty of Skaven sent to the hospital and I've now got my heart set on an Orc team.


Active Member
Damn you all with the hype! I'll be getting this after I get done with my exams tomorrow (one way or another) - the game being 15euros I will probably ask blokey or someone to gift it to me and paypal them the monies but that doesn't change anything.
As such I have no idea who will I be playing as, but I'm all for this mass craze :D


Active Member
I've managed to get Hobgoblin, whom i play Mechwarrior Living Legends with interested, will get him signed up once he has bought a copy.


I'm in as (unsurprisingly) "Ronin Storm".

Just lost two games as Orcs to Panda's Skaven, but both were hard fought and the second was so very nearly a 1:1 draw. Skaven's speed was punishing as it meant that a ball mistake could easily turn into a touchdown with little the Orcs can do to catch those damn Gutter Runners.

Still, plenty of Skaven sent to the hospital and I've now got my heart set on an Orc team.

Panda's Skaven team are a bitch to beat. I lost 4-0 to him when i played him with chaos (Still figuring out what i want. But still leaning majorly towards Dark Elves.)..Course. I spent most of the match attemping to kill his Rat Ogre 'cause I'm a bastard like that. Dark Elves i accually put up a decent fight with though.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I lost 4-0 to him when i played him with chaos

It was 5-0 :D

Gombol actually killed one of my players in that game, which is going to hurt me down the road.

The two games with ronin were immensely tactical affairs. I'd not had the opportunity to play against orcs before, and found them rather intimidating. The 3-0 and 1-0 scorelines are rather flattering of me to be honest. A fairer representation of those games would have been a 1-0 win to me, followed by a 1-0 win for ronin or a 1-1 draw.

I learned a lot about desperate defence, as by the last few turns of each game, I only had 5 players on the field.

To anyone with issues, I would again suggest checking out the basic tactics link i posted on the thread earlier. It was particularly useful for me, and, although based on the tabletop game, works just as well for this.

Ghostwolf, ronin and I have been discussing how a league might work. It is likely that, for the first time, we would pile everyone together, have everyone play everyone else (or perhaps even fewer games) and see who enjoys it, then set up a longer term league for people who do. We're thinking of having a 'one match per week' limit, so no one falls behind, though missing a few games is probably inevitable. Dependent on enthusiasm, this could be upped to 2 games, considering they only usually take an hour or so.


In Cryo Sleep
Well up for this. I've downloaded the game and will mess about with it today. I'm interested in wood elves. My name on steam is cheezewizz2000, and I'm going to pick up teamspeak and xfire today.


after playing ALL the races (And i mean All.) for a game each, I've accually fallen in love with the Dorfs. Granted, I've only played the computer, but I've had 2 draws instead of loosing 3-0 or whatever, like i normally did against them.