I lost 4-0 to him when i played him with chaos
It was 5-0
Gombol actually killed one of my players in that game, which is going to hurt me down the road.
The two games with ronin were immensely tactical affairs. I'd not had the opportunity to play against orcs before, and found them rather intimidating. The 3-0 and 1-0 scorelines are rather flattering of me to be honest. A fairer representation of those games would have been a 1-0 win to me, followed by a 1-0 win for ronin or a 1-1 draw.
I learned a lot about desperate defence, as by the last few turns of each game, I only had 5 players on the field.
To anyone with issues, I would again suggest checking out the basic tactics link i posted on the thread earlier. It was particularly useful for me, and, although based on the tabletop game, works just as well for this.
Ghostwolf, ronin and I have been discussing how a league might work. It is likely that, for the first time, we would pile everyone together, have everyone play everyone else (or perhaps even fewer games) and see who enjoys it, then set up a longer term league for people who do. We're thinking of having a 'one match per week' limit, so no one falls behind, though missing a few games is probably inevitable. Dependent on enthusiasm, this could be upped to 2 games, considering they only usually take an hour or so.