Blood Bowl Semi-Finals thread


Junior Administrator
After a disastrous start where for the first time in his blood bowl career the bobrek's bastards runners failed a hand off in turn two leaving the ball very exposed for the humans to come in and easily capitalise leading to an early human score. However in a game that soon became marked for it's brutality by this point a player a piece had been injured. The human's puppet master Zoogy took this initial lose quite well. bobrek however not at all used to such things appeared from his drunken stupor to roar furiously at the pathetic excuse for a dwarf that had fallen over and had clearly been too drunk to stand back up again.

In an interview after the game bobrek was heard to say:

"turning up to a match drunk is of course expected, no dwarf worth his salt would show up sober. However turning up so drunk that you fall over and nod off after 2 minutes is a little much."

The dwarf in question has been softened up a bit and is now a little more sensitive than he was before and has also been sent to learn how to hold his drink more effectively.

The dwarves fought back and scored a solid TD before the end of the half.

The humans suffered some more injuries in this drive and the half ended 1-1.

In the second half the humans struck hard and fast into the dwarf half, a poorly setup dwarf secondary meant that they were unable to counter back and cover the push and the humans scored another good quick TD. However in this push the humans lost another 2 players. This meant that as the dwarves got to the LoS they were facing a team of only 7 humans.

The dwarves scored a relatively easy TD at this point and injured another human in the process.

The game ended as a 2-2 draw as for the first time the dwarves look very beatable. Zoogy played well and I on a few occasions lined up far too aggressively and assumed too much which caused both of the TDs I conceded. Was a good game with a rating of 19/20, however this does leave us in a tricky state.

The assumption is that we have to play another game however by doing so we are obviously getting a one game advantage for whoever wins against the opponent in the final.

A decision needs to be made by the BB admins as to what we do from here.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I believe the correct answer here is for us to create a 4 player Cup tournament. That will, I believe, use overtime to resolve a draw. As you say, though, you'll have an extra game on the other team so please try to avoid taking skill advancements just yet.


Well-Known Member
I just love how none of us even considered what would happen should a draw occur :p

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Then please don't take any after the rematch zoogy.

Bob, I guess you can take your skill ups, but please refrain from taking any before the final, as otherwise it puts you at a disadvantage against zoogy.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
This weekend we (ronin, ghostwolf and myself) decided to put you in a knockout style league to finish this up.

I will speak to ghostwolf and we will get this set up tonight. Please refrain from playing any games until we have done so.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
As a comprehensive post:

Zoogy and Bob have effectively played an extra match on Cheezewhizz and CotD.

Zoogy has taken his skill ups already.

Bob needs to take his skill ups from this match, so as not to be disadvantaged when playing the rematch against Zoogy.

We will start a THN knockout stage league tonight, which you need to register for. I or ghostwolf will post on here when that is active with the password etc.

Bob and Zoogy will then (in the confines of the knockout league) play their rematch.

They will please refrain from taking any skill ups from after that game in order to keep the pace level for Cheezewhizz and CotD.

Cheezewhizz and CotD will play their knockout stage in the confines of the knockout league as normal, and take skill ups as normal.

The final will then be played by the two victors, and if possible, a 3rd place playoff game.

After these games have been played and the 1st, 2nd (hopefully 3rd and 4th) places have been decided, the 'held' skill ups from Zoogy and Bob's semifinal rematch can be activated as normal, as the league will be over, and the winner decided.

Essentially, all is happening is that zoogy and bob won't level their players again before the league is over, whilst Cheezewhizz and CotD can proceed as normal, with the extra time settings in the game preventing a draw this time.

Good luck everyone. I apologise for the skill up confusion and my cock up in not forseeing a draw.. Please pm me if you have any questions on how to proceed.


Well-Known Member
I'll make the league now if thats ok with you panda but as previously discussed we may not have any control over who fights who.

It needs to be waterproofbob vs Zooggy, Cheezewhizz vs Children of the damned. If it doesnt start in this configuration we may have to try again *sigh* there are some parts of this game that leave alot to be desired.


Well-Known Member
The league is made for the playoffs. Join ASAP all people who have made the cut.

Name. TheHavenNet finals league
Pswrd. THN

post when you've joined so i can keep track.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I'll make the league now if thats ok with you panda but as previously discussed we may not have any control over who fights who.

It needs to be waterproofbob vs Zooggy, Cheezewhizz vs Children of the damned. If it doesnt start in this configuration we may have to try again *sigh* there are some parts of this game that leave alot to be desired.

Shit yeah, forgot about that.

We'll have to try and try again till its done.

Tbh, there is only what, 3 possible combinations with one the correct one, so can't take long...

Zoogy vs Bob (correct)

Zoogy vs Cheezewhizz (incorrect)

Zoogy vs CotD (incorrect)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)


One thing: the extra match is not all roses. :) Yes, extra skillups are nice, but no, extra deaths and permanent injuries are not. So, I don't mind sticking to my guns and not take the skillups, but I leave it to your consideration that playing the game under-manned will put me or Bob at a disadvantage in the finals...



Staff member
I think ideally everyone else should've played an extra match too, and taken any upgrades etc.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

I think ideally everyone else should've played an extra match too, and taken any upgrades etc.

This. Have Doc and Cheeze play an extra game in the public league, for the sole purpose of providing them with the extra skillups and death. :)

Disregard the result of the match, whatever it may be.

Then, we can all do the knockout league in the same circumstances.


Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Hoy, :)


One thing: the extra match is not all roses. :) Yes, extra skillups are nice, but no, extra deaths and permanent injuries are not. So, I don't mind sticking to my guns and not take the skillups, but I leave it to your consideration that playing the game under-manned will put me or Bob at a disadvantage in the finals...


Considering your first game against bob was injury plagued, I think you should be feeling lucky that you have an extra game to let your players recover before the final. Injuries are a major part of the game.

I will however discuss this with Ghostwolf and Ronin later.


In Cryo Sleep
Can't find the league to apply for it. The Longrunner's name is red, for some reason, as well. I'm not sure what that means.

Edit: Ok, red just means that it's not in the public league. I still can't find the THN league to apply for, though. Infact, I can't find any league to apply for, beyond the public league. *sigh*