I've picked up 1984 again, surprised me how easy it was to pick up again, it was like I never stopped reading it, I remembered it all instantly.
I was reading a Spanish book called The Shadow Of The Wind, and I got sidetracked reading something else when I read about half of it. When I tried to pick it up to read it again, I just couldn't remember any of it, or what had happened. I didn't know who anyone was, and I think I know why.
All the names were Spanish, and since I don't know Spanish, my mind couldn't remember them. Something to do with the way the mind records words in its memory; when I was reading the names, I wasn't "saying" them, I was seeing them as a token, glancing over them, parsing them but not recording them. They must have been stored in my short-term memory. When I went back to read it after a few months, it was like I'd never read those names before, the characters were completely foreign to me.