Brink it on!


Well-Known Member
Great can't order on Amazon UK, the German amazon doesn't offer it properly AND the German Steam doesn't offer a discount ... hate it.


Junior Administrator
According to the mpuk server chaps looks like running brink servers is going to make a machine sweat a bit. PROM SHALL soon drop that winter weight :p

Ronin Storm

Staff member
As Mk1 says, it's physics, object tracking and network management that kills servers. All the graphical rendering is done on the client.


Staff member
stupid requirements. I don't want to play it on low settings. grmbl grmbl. I'll get back to you once I've upgraded the box a bit.


Staff member
Hmm, reviews early in that list have a few low scores (Joystik, IGN, JPS), but as a set that seems to be a mid-80% result and not very mixed at all. Handful of 9's, mostly 8's.
Keep in mind that comparing reviews between outlets like that is pretty near useless. Joystiq uses all five of their stars on a regular basis, whereas IGN's 6 may as well be a zero, and so on. The more granular a scale they use, the more likely they are to lump all their reviews into the upper portion of it, generally.

The real interesting part here is that two outlets didn't even review it. That speaks volumes to me.


Well-Known Member
The reviews seem oddly... patchy... at best. At worst it seems like these people were all playing different games.

Seems generally though splash dmg failed at hitting 1 of my points to make this game totally awesome. Still like a rich fat man once sung 2 out of 3 aint bad.