Bye Bye Diablo 3


Well-Known Member
Ah the always online thing sucks, we (Solemn and I) played D2 primarilly as a LAN game, usually someplace that doesn't have internet :/


Active Member
Yeah Blizzard have long since lost my gaming respect. Of course they know how to market things, but for me that leads to a populated game, but full of idiots.


Active Member
The thing I wonder about when it comes to LAN gaming: does having to connect to the service to play a game with people on the same network cause a significant difference in game speed?


Active Member
The thing I wonder about when it comes to LAN gaming: does having to connect to the service to play a game with people on the same network cause a significant difference in game speed?

Well, the point is moot when they remove the alternative all together, though back in the day there were games that transmitted far more data when on lan rather than internet, its those games which suck now when playing lan over the internet.


Active Member
Oh no, I'm not arguing that "because internet is so fast LAN doesn't matter anymore" I was just curious about how much of an impact it has on the network connection.

I don't see why they have to get rid of the ability to play games on a LAN, I mean why can't they just have it like in DII where you could have LAN/Open characters that couldn't take part in the ladders and so on, and then let the people who really care about the ladders/auction houses to play on all the time?


Staff member
Read the penny arcade post that, uh, you linked. The entire puroose is to encourage use of services that will earn them more money.


Active Member
The problem is that if you're forcing someone into using a service then they're not as likely to play along are they? There will be plenty of people using up bandwidth who will never use the auction house and only be playing single-player (or using MP very rarely) that really don't need to be tethered to the servers.


Active Member
I thought you just said the whole point was to make money? :p

Unless having people using their bandwidth makes them money? I don't recall them having any ads except for their own products.


Staff member
You used to have three options: effort, cheat or buy. Without the ability to cheat, you've got two, one of them makes blizz money directly, and the other increases the staying power of their game.


Active Member
Aye, I see where you're coming from, I imagine they're hoping that the people who were lazy enough to cheat will be driven to buying instead.

Though I can't imagine it would be completely impossible to cheat even with compulsory access to


Active Member
In a way modding could be viewed as cheating. Spose it depends how badly blizzard want the game experience to remain constant and fair*, and while a constant game experience stands to make them money, theres no chance of modding.

*Like stat padding, who gives a shit, oh wait, someone does cus the term was coined.


Active Member
Yes and no, the mods made radical changes, i prefer modded D2, but then, the original game is so distorted. Ofcourse blizzard looses nothing, i have actually posted a guide on here somewhere on how to mod D2, heh, me and gribley played it some, it was nice.

EDIT: Here

The mod does not support online play (The realm is private and boring), there is only SP and LAN(vpn too), but with a shared stash that has 200+pages each, very big, its alot of fun, and the shared stash is accessible in MP, its a lot harder than the default D2, but much more fun.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna post a suggestion on their forums (which would be largely ignored) but can't seem to log in.

Basically i don't see why they can't keep everyone happy by splitting it up:

1, Offline characters - can only play offline, no online features enabled, LAN gaming allowed with other offline characters.

2, Online characters - created online can only be played on, not on LAN. All internet features such as the new trading thing enabled.

3, Offline -> Online paid character activation. Let blizzard authenticate that your offline character is legit, unhacked, and bring it into the online world if you change your mind.

4, Online -> Offline character cloning (free). Make a clone of your online character for offline play.


Staff member
Again, they won't want to do that because they'd much rather funnel you in the direction of buying items.