[Civ V] The THN Xmas Civ Extravaganza!

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I will be urging peace and cooperation, in the spirit of Christmas.

I assume we'll be using the giant earth map, and as many city states as possible?


I want to. but I might have work. Then again, I'm making a stand against them, and refusing to leave bath untill they give me the 2 days pay they missed.


In Cryo Sleep
I will be urging peace and cooperation, in the spirit of Christmas.

I assume we'll be using the giant earth map, and as many city states as possible?

You can shove your peace and co-operation! Playing dirty worked out decently enough for me last time.

I always think it's funny how our Civ games never seem to be against one another, but just in the spirit of helping each other build the coolest shit. It's probably why we never ever get around to finishing any games.

Also, I would be up for playing on a gimungous map, especially if we get plenty of people playing. Maybe we could pad it out with AIs or something as well.


Well-Known Member
OK i'm going to say yes but the answer may end up as no. This coming week is going to be pretty hectic but as long as work arent complete asshats (dont hold your breath) i will be able to attend.


In Cryo Sleep

Then sign up to the event! I guess that means we have about 6 probably-definites since bloke and yourself aren't on there yet, and then Ghostie and the Doc are also possibles. Excited!


Super Moderator
Staff member
due to being busy this week, i shall no doubt come "help" back-seat drive for Tets for a while tomorrow at some point :p

not sure what plans are yet tets, but i'll drop in for a while some point. parents are definitely out in the evening so i have that free :)


Right now it's a yes from me. But knowing my dickheads of bosses, they will ring me up while we are playing.


In Cryo Sleep
due to being busy this week, i shall no doubt come "help" back-seat drive for Tets for a while tomorrow at some point :p

not sure what plans are yet tets, but i'll drop in for a while some point. parents are definitely out in the evening so i have that free :)

Your tactical and strategical support is both welcome and needed.


And a no for me, sadly. Work phoned 5 mins ago asking if I can work today from 2. Was looking forward to this, too. :( Good luck to all! (Apart from bloke. Kill him for me will ya? :D )


Junior Administrator
So we're at the halfway point, a quick summary of our game:

-Nanor has been eliminated after starting a war he wasn't able to finish with Panda. Lots of lulz ensued with the comedy city names :D
-Half the world is still at war - the Ottomans (Xarlaxas) and the Romans (Ghostwolf) have been in a very long war with the Greeks (Tetsuo), with it ebbing and flowing with multiple battles on multiple fronts but no major breakthrough has been made by either side yet
-we have about 130 or so turns left (quick game speed)

Long story short, when are you all able to resume?


In Cryo Sleep
I was about to say I'm available any day until next Wednesday when my internet chucked it (again). I'm on holiday for another week, so I can do any day.

That game was brilliant, though. Everyone (except for Nanor) is so hesitant to go to war in Civ, but when it kicks off it's great fun. Really enjoying this big war we've got going in the middle, and I'm still not sure which way it's going to swing. It still looks to be a reasonable stalemate at the moment, but Ghost is brewing up something else to throw at me and Xarlax has a broad front to attack along. I think all that's kept me going so far is the decent economy I had (had to empty my piggybank into purchasing units at the start of the war), the road network I use to shuttle troops up and down and the rough terrain on the southern front that stops Ghostie throwing all his units at me in a blitz.
Had some brilliant giggles, too, courtesy of Nanor's cities. All in all an enjoyable afternoon.


Active Member
Aye, it's been good fun I think! Even though I'm a small empire I'm holding my own for now, hopefully I'll be able to do something exciting soon on Tet's Western front! Tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, and probably Sunday will be busy for me, but any day after that should be alright at pretty much any time. Until the 10th of January when classes start again.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Watching burning Anal was a highpoint for me. As was acquiring a lesbian puppet.

Nanor shouldn't have settled in my sovereign territory. Those were MY elephants.