I was about to say I'm available any day until next Wednesday when my internet chucked it (again). I'm on holiday for another week, so I can do any day.
That game was brilliant, though. Everyone (except for Nanor) is so hesitant to go to war in Civ, but when it kicks off it's great fun. Really enjoying this big war we've got going in the middle, and I'm still not sure which way it's going to swing. It still looks to be a reasonable stalemate at the moment, but Ghost is brewing up something else to throw at me and Xarlax has a broad front to attack along. I think all that's kept me going so far is the decent economy I had (had to empty my piggybank into purchasing units at the start of the war), the road network I use to shuttle troops up and down and the rough terrain on the southern front that stops Ghostie throwing all his units at me in a blitz.
Had some brilliant giggles, too, courtesy of Nanor's cities. All in all an enjoyable afternoon.