[Civ V] The THN Xmas Civ Extravaganza!


Junior Administrator
so when are people available?

I start work again on the 4th so after that on weekdays it's going to be evenings, or a weekend day.

Can people do some time on Monday 3rd?


Junior Administrator
need Tetsuo to be available but based on Xar's response, a 7pm start looks like it will be our only option - sounds good to me though :)


Can we do this every month or every 2 months or somthing? Would be rather fun, IMO.


Active Member
*bump* Just double-checking that we are in fact on for Civ V tomorrow around 7pm? Just so I know for sure!


Junior Administrator
Crap I forgot and made plans for tomorrow afternoon and likely wont be online till about 8pm at the earliest :(


Active Member
Hrm, 8pm is a bit late to start it as I don't think we're even half-way through the game, I vote we figure out another day. . . .


Active Member
I don't think we'll have time to finish it today without staying up until about 1am or so, which my girlfriend won't like, especially as I'm trying to get my sleep pattern back in order for Monday! I'd vote next Sunday personally.