[Civ V] The THN Xmas Civ Extravaganza!


Junior Administrator
I have guests for the forseeable!

that'll be a no then :D

What are people's schedules like for the following Sunday (tomorrow) and the following week?

Currently I'm available all day tomorrow plus every evening (from about 7pm onwards) on the weekdays, and all weekend the 15th/16th too.


New Member
Just bought Civ and will be able to play from next weekend onwards, so will be on the next one definitely!


Junior Administrator
Taffy: This particular one is a continuation of a game we started just after Xmas, however you'd be more than welcome to join in on other games :D


Active Member
Sunday might be feasible aye, got an anniversary on Saturday so will be busy then, have to read about decisive weapons and military doctrine for Tuesday. . . .