CoD4 server


Junior Administrator
I found this little tool for the server,

It tells us what we have or havn't set up correctly :)

Somethings obviously may help us to get listed ? Its worth a try :p

**EDIT** The desktop controller I have gives me access to everything on the server console, Any commands I can do from here as long as the servers online, So I've sorted the maxrate option ;) and shortened the server name :)

The only thing left is this antilag system, which is already turned on so meh to that audit :p

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hmm, that tool tells me that maxrate needs to be much higher for a dedicated server and that our name is still too long...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
CoD4 server has been updated to 1.4. Please can someone with the game check it out for me and report back? Also, please check it is still appearing in the server browser?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Right, the server is properly updated to 1.4 now. Infinity Ward need shooting for their total lack of information for Linux server admins.