DAMN! Taliban re-gathering properly


In Cryo Sleep
its true gopha the cheshire regiment are going and thats who i have just applied to join lol so looks like im killin sum mofo terrorists and drug lords in 2007


New Member
those damn talibanis, always asking to have their ass kicked... As for that Osama Bin Raider, well don't even get me started lol


In Cryo Sleep
Pubic_Warior said:
its true gopha the cheshire regiment are going and thats who i have just applied to join lol so looks like im killin sum mofo terrorists and drug lords in 2007

Just remember They will shoot back and they dont care who they shoot. But jsut stay alive thats all i say :D


Well-Known Member
Stay low, get some knifes and remember I won't be there to shock paddle you so stay alert


In Cryo Sleep
All I have to say on this matter is that one man's terrorist is another man's hero. Don't get caught up in the hype of those around you, form your own opinions and you'll see that we (The Allied Forces) are just as bad if not worse that the Taliban.


In Cryo Sleep
Quite possibly, I was strugglin to think of the proper name so there we go...The "Co-alition" forces. I can't help but quote Orwell here..."All animals are equal but some are more equal than others". Animals as a reference to the military of the countries involved for those afrid to work it out.


In Cryo Sleep
T-Bone said:
Quite possibly, I was strugglin to think of the proper name so there we go...The "Co-alition" forces. I can't help but quote Orwell here..."All animals are equal but some are more equal than others". Animals as a reference to the military of the countries involved for those afrid to work it out.

That was used in an anti-communist advert in the 80's wasnt it? It was a cartoon of a farm with a donkey crying.


In Cryo Sleep
Dunno...the quote is from the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. Also they made a film where Patrick Stewart voices Napolean...was good aswell.


In Cryo Sleep
Well all i remember of the advert was that it said the quote and was trying to say that in the [Soviet Union] some people are more equal than others, so it isnt true communism. Quite clever.


In Cryo Sleep
Oh and about Afganistan, supposedly Holland is thinking of sending over 1000 of its troops to help the coilition.


Staff member
My country just elected a leader who's more or less George Bush's bitch, so I figure it's only a matter of time until we're sending more troops over as well...

Fuzzy Bunny

Pubic_Warior said:
its true gopha the cheshire regiment are going and thats who i have just applied to join lol so looks like im killin sum mofo terrorists and drug lords in 2007
Just be sure you come back in one piece.


In Cryo Sleep
damn, i really am starting to dislike george bush, the US marines waltz in bomb everything and leave the rest to pick up the pieces, its depressing tbh,people fighting in a war which isnt their own