


Gopha said:
cheers, so we wait until 6 days unti lwe can do something, also time to make a new galaxy as we have 6 in the first 1

Well, you can do some things now!

Set your priorities and start some construction and research :)


Thats 8 ticks. Each tick is 30 minutes (from what I remember) (when the ticks start that is). :) Larger things take longer.


In Cryo Sleep
aaaaaahhhh i c! but we can only sorta pre-order the orders if you get me, nothing wil happen till it starts


Junior Administrator
Right then, for those of you who haven't played this before, I'm going to post a bit of a tutorial here for you... Also remember that the Manual is your friend, though some recent changes to the game have not been implemented yet...


This page is the initial one that loads when you login, it shows you some basic info about your planet, including number of roids you have, and your ships and defence (PDS) units. The galaxy news section is a message area that can be changed by the GC (Galaxy commander), MoW (Minister of War) and MoD (Misister of Development).


This section shows you news items relating to your planet and sometimes other galaxy members. This includes the completion of research/technology and when you have ships incoming/outgoing and all battle reports. There is a second link to this on the info bar at the top of any page. When the news logo at the top is GREEN then you have one or more unread news items.

Mail Recieved/Mail Sent

In-game there is a personal messaging system much like you would find on this message board... in game it is called mail. You can use these sections to send a message to a planet that only that user will see... unless they show it to other people. It is easy to use, as you send the mail to the planet's unique co-ordinates...


The Com-Unit is a Java-based IRC application. This connects to the server irc.darkbattle.com and the main darkbattle channel on this server, which is #darkbattle. We can create our own IRC channel for communication on this server if we wish... You can also connect to the aforementioned server with a standard IRC client.

Message Board

This is one of two places to get to our own galaxy forums. The other and most widely used link is the one in the top right on the info bar at the top simply labelled "Forum". This is a basic forum allowing us to communicate with each other in game. ONLY members of our galaxy can see this forum. IF/when we become part of an alliance, the forums are extended to include Alliance threads aswell, these are shown with an alliance: indicator before the thread title. All members of our alliance can see these. When there are unread forum posts the Forum icon in the top right is GREEN.


In Cryo Sleep
thatbloke said:
Right then, for those of you who haven't played this before, I'm going to post a bit of a tutorial here for you... Also remember that the Manual is your friend, though some recent changes to the game have not been implemented yet...


This page is the initial one that loads when you login, it shows you some basic info about your planet, including number of roids you have, and your ships and defence (PDS) units. The galaxy news section is a message area that can be changed by the GC (Galaxy commander), MoW (Minister of War) and MoD (Misister of Development).


This section shows you news items relating to your planet and sometimes other galaxy members. This includes the completion of research/technology and when you have ships incoming/outgoing and all battle reports. There is a second link to this on the info bar at the top of any page. When the news logo at the top is GREEN then you have one or more unread news items.

Mail Recieved/Mail Sent

In-game there is a personal messaging system much like you would find on this message board... in game it is called mail. You can use these sections to send a message to a planet that only that user will see... unless they show it to other people. It is easy to use, as you send the mail to the planet's unique co-ordinates...


The Com-Unit is a Java-based IRC application. This connects to the server irc.darkbattle.com and the main darkbattle channel on this server, which is #darkbattle. We can create our own IRC channel for communication on this server if we wish... You can also connect to the aforementioned server with a standard IRC client.

Message Board

This is one of two places to get to our own galaxy forums. The other and most widely used link is the one in the top right on the info bar at the top simply labelled "Forum". This is a basic forum allowing us to communicate with each other in game. ONLY members of our galaxy can see this forum. IF/when we become part of an alliance, the forums are extended to include Alliance threads aswell, these are shown with an alliance: indicator before the thread title. All members of our alliance can see these. When there are unread forum posts the Forum icon in the top right is GREEN.

isnt he clever!!!!! i almost didnt vote him GC


Junior Administrator
Military Status

This is one of three places to get to this page. This page shows all currently incoming and outgoing fleets for our galaxy and (if we are in one) our alliance. The other two places to get to the same page are the two icons at the top, the Hostile and Friendly indicators. If the Friendly indicator is GREEN then you have friendly ships coming to defend you. If the Hostile indicator is ORANGE then one of your galaxy members or alliance members is under attack. If the Hostile indicator is RED then YOU have incoming attackers.


It is in here that you can research your way to better ships, PDS, scans, travel times, etc. In both of these pages you can view your current tech tree and what they offer to you. I will post some advice in the DB forums as to what would be good to research/construct first.


In here you can set certain priorites for research, production, etc. that speed up these elements of the game. The bonuses are all displayed there for you to see... Use your judgement! Note, however, that you cannot change your engineering priorities if you are currently researching, constructiong, or building anything...


In here you can puchase roids. Look in the manual for the formula to calculate the cost of the roids, or use the handy calculator that is provided on this page. On this page it tells you how many roids you have and of what type, and your income per tick for each resource. Also notice at the bottom of this page a resources exchange area. Using this you can convert one resource type to another, but beware as the conversion rate periodically changes, from anything between 50% to 80%.
At the bottom you will see a galaxy fund indicator. This allows you to donate some of your resources to the galaxy fund. The galaxy fund is a store of resources that we can keep in reserve and then dish out to people who may need it, for instance to rebuild after an attack.
The MoD manages the Galaxy fund. This person has control over who gets what from the fund and can also make a post in the overview news section. This person has an extra box in the resources screen that allows them to dish out the resources.


Junior Administrator

In here you have five fleets to manage. The first is the base fleet. This fleet consists of all ships that are "at home" and cannot be sent out to attack or defend anyone without being moved into one of the other fleets.
Fleets 1-3. These three fleets are three general purpose fleets that you can move your ships into to attack and defend other players. To send a fleet costs some Darkmatter, and this cost is displayed along with an ETA of how long it will take for that fleet to arrive at its destination. The ETA is affected by the size of the ship, research, and how far away the other planet is... You will get this pretty quickly :)
Fleet 4 You will notice that there is a fourth fleet, simply called "Fleet 4" that you can move your ships into. This fleet you do not have any control over. This fleet is actually the galaxy fleet, which is a special fleet that the MoW has control over. You can move a grand total of 1/6 of all your ships into the galaxy fleet. The MoW is the only one who can launch this fleet, however. BUT! a massive change from last round that elDiablo needs to know as he is currently MoW, the gal fleet CANNOT DEFEND YOUR OWN GALAY MEMBERS. Which is a bit strange but then I'm not the creator of this game...


Nice and simple, you just build your ships in here. A progress bar is displayed at the bottom.


Exactly the same as production, except that you build your defence units in here. Note that these units CANNOT be sent to attack/defend anyone, they can ONLY defend you.


Intelligence is a place where you can order and use scans to spy on your opponents or potential targets. As you research more of them, you become able to get some very detailed info on people. You can find out all sorts of info on a planet here, it says on the page what each scan does.


In here you vote for your GC, and also the GC can set a vote for someone to be kicked out from the galaxy... should that happen you simply go in here and cast your vote.


Not much in here apart fro a list of all alliance members in your alliance, should you be in one.

Galaxy List

Very similar to the alliance part, except that it is a list of galaxy members. You can navigate to view other galaxies nice and easily either by entering their co-ordinates or you can use the buttons to browse through them.

Battle History

This is an as yet unfinished section that the game creator was intending to complete by last round, but he has been unable to do it so far... When (if) it is finished it is intended to show you previous battles and show another way of ranking the players not just based on their score.

Top Planets/Galaxies/Alliances

What it says on the tin, simply rankings for all game players based on their score. The top planets list is a good place to find potential targets.


Junior Administrator

Everything in there is explained on that page... i'm not going to go into it!!!


Ok if I need to explain this one you need a knock round the head...


This is a reference for all kinds of stuff, insluding all of the stats for the ships and PDS, etc.


This is the Darkbattle game forums, and is COMPLETELY different to our own galaxy forums. This is a discussion area for ALL players to use... You will need to register separately for these forums.

Game Stats

This is the game stats page, simply put its a place where you can get even more statistics, etc for every single player at any point in the game.

Battle Calc

Stay away from this as it doesn't work... I'm planning on making my own Java-based one to replace it soon :D

Ok thats an explanation of all the buttons and stuff in game, I hope this clears things up... any more questions then ASK ME DAMMIT!!! :D


Junior Administrator
ok people DB starts ticking at 6pm tonight... game time is GMT so will NOT move forward by one our when our clocks in the UK do this weekend... but still :)

All I ask is that you check DB regularly, researching, constructing and building stuff.

one comment I may have forgotten to mention before: you CANNOT attack ANYONE during the first 100 ticks.

This is to stop people being ganged up on right at the very start and to allow people to build a defense... when the game gets going I will point out the poeple we need to be careful of. I am also near to securing us a galaxy we can ally ourselves with.


Taffy said:
ermm... how do you buy asteroids?

Resources section. Metal roids cost metal, crystal roids cost crystal, DM roids cost, YEP! You guessed it! DM!

Us the same method as buying ships.


Ships: 300
Asteroids: 114

With another 57 roids on the way :)


New Member
whoops... I appear to have slightly under-armed myself...

Is it possible to go 'bankrupt' on this game?
Also, where does it tell you how much of each resource you have?


Junior Administrator
you cant go bankrupt, it just tells you you dont have enough of the resource... and as for what you have of each, look at the info bar at the very top. It has your own co-ordinates, how much of each resource you have and the current game time. In the resources section you can see how much of each resource you are earning per tick.