Right then, for those of you who haven't played this before, I'm going to post a bit of a tutorial here for you... Also remember that the
Manual is your friend, though some recent changes to the game have not been implemented yet...
This page is the initial one that loads when you login, it shows you some basic info about your planet, including number of roids you have, and your ships and defence (PDS) units. The galaxy news section is a message area that can be changed by the GC (Galaxy commander), MoW (Minister of War) and MoD (Misister of Development).
This section shows you news items relating to your planet and sometimes other galaxy members. This includes the completion of research/technology and when you have ships incoming/outgoing and all battle reports. There is a second link to this on the info bar at the top of any page. When the news logo at the top is
GREEN then you have one or more unread news items.
Mail Recieved/Mail Sent
In-game there is a personal messaging system much like you would find on this message board... in game it is called mail. You can use these sections to send a message to a planet that only that user will see... unless they show it to other people. It is easy to use, as you send the mail to the planet's unique co-ordinates...
The Com-Unit is a Java-based IRC application. This connects to the server irc.darkbattle.com and the main darkbattle channel on this server, which is #darkbattle. We can create our own IRC channel for communication on this server if we wish... You can also connect to the aforementioned server with a standard IRC client.
Message Board
This is one of two places to get to our own galaxy forums. The other and most widely used link is the one in the top right on the info bar at the top simply labelled "Forum". This is a basic forum allowing us to communicate with each other in game. ONLY members of our galaxy can see this forum. IF/when we become part of an alliance, the forums are extended to include Alliance threads aswell, these are shown with an alliance: indicator before the thread title. All members of our alliance can see these. When there are unread forum posts the Forum icon in the top right is