*just... about... finished catching up on 5 pages of thread*
I can see 2 reasons for enjoying building a base:
• Aesthetic. Building a visually impressive and organised base is satisfying
• Defence. Building an effective defence and seeing it in action is also rather satisfying.
The problem with the building bases that look good is that it’s only a side effect of the gameplay. You don't need a lovely base that you're proud of to win a game, and sometimes it can actually be detrimental! I've spent far too long in many Supreme Commander games trying to make my little base plans nice and symmetrical whilst my opponent zips around the map stealing all the resources.
I was one of those people who in Dune would place concrete in any available space just to spruce up the place. What a waste of money!
Building a sturdy defence, on the other hand, is a much more integral part of strategy gaming! If I stay with SupCom, for it has the most immense construction options, carefully planning your choke points and the correct mixture of turrets is very rewarding when your opponents forces break against them like waves on a beach! Muhaha!!!! FOOOOLISH MORTAL WHY DOTH THEE EVEN TRY!!!
To people who want to build one mega-base and have it perfect, you aren't going to win the game in any way that is a) fun for your opponent - you dirty turtler, or b) particularly rewarding. In almost every RTS I've played a player forced back into his base has lost. He loses control of the resources, knowledge of the map and the ability to manoeuvre. Game over. So if you were to site base building as your primary motivation for playing an RTS, I'd say you'd probably picked the wrong genre. Like Ronin said, SimCity, much more about building and if you don't like that there is always the Sims!
Anyhoo, most of the comments here are solved by Company of Heroes

. Base building is basic, more about what you choose than were you place it, but the defensive structure side is more flexible than anything before! Impromptu defences can be set up anywhere and ,more than usual, has a satisfied feeling attached to it.
In fact, how many of the people posting in this thread have played Company of Heroes? Of all the RTSs I've played it’s the only one I'm still on regularly 2 years after release. DoW2 might be fun, but so far no game without any kind of construction options has lasted. No Ground Controls, or World in Conflicts have lasted, and they we’re all highly rated upon release.
Also! Ronin, how come you stopped playing CoH? And Nanor... don't be so cheeky. You know how much you have to dig to find the fun in PR
