Dawn of War 2


In Cryo Sleep
Me and Masia both are now playing the beta (anyone with Soulstorm can get in now and soulstorm is currently under £5 on steam, public beta starts on the 27th or 28th) and for anyone who may not be playing it..... It is teh sex.

It is completely un comparable to the original because it is completely different and so far im loving it.

Is it bad that i already want them to release expansions.... give me the imperial gaurd dammit!!!! or the tau.. i play them table top :p


In Cryo Sleep
I'm in the beta as well. perhaps we could exchange some gamertags so we could play together?
The game is awesome btw; I havent won much yet, but that's mainly because I haven't really decided on what race to play.

EDIT: my gamertag is Hylianhunter


In Cryo Sleep
I finally get to play nids... YAY!

From the Beta (What little I have played of it) it looks like it's going to be a very interesting game. Hopefully they'll bring Tau back but if Zhin gets his hands on the Guards again I'm gonna cry.

For anyone who might want to play, my gamertag 'Psychosis1988'


Active Member
I wants my Dark Eldar! T_T Ah well, I will live with normal Eldar, they are still fun.

I'm "Xarlaxas" suprisingly enough. :)


Active Member
I have it! It's sitting not 3 feet away from me because game delivered it early, and yet I can't install it until tomorrow! Curse you Steam, why do you taunt me so!!!!!!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
My copies have been dispatch by Amazon. But I'm around 250 miles away from where they'll be delivered... best drive home swiftly...! ;)