


You need a 3D card, yes. It uses z-depth on the interface (menus over the world map, etc), but the graphics are quite low-spec. I don't know if it uses pixel-shading and other stuff Darwinia did, but it's really not intensive at all.


So, it seems that the review copies of Defcon have gone to the magazines and reviewers :) This means that they will test the game now, review it, and have the reviews out in September time. Meaning that the release date from Introversion (September) is looking pretty good!

From the link
Mistakes & Regrets
Anyone who knows, knows the rest. Especially you.

But, cutting through the not-that-dunk dunk, is there anything else I’d like to talk about? As I find myself at a keyboard at an ungodbly hour, yet one which strikes me as too early to throw the towel in yet. Well, yeah, there is, but I find myself flirting around the issue. I’m not particularly good at being Passive-aggressive. Except, clearly, I am.

C’mon. Let’s try and get away from that. Was over for the majority of the afternoon and evening in Bath, seeing their final demonstration of Defcon to Future. The entirty of the active Introversions turn up resplendent in rented-RAF uniforms to get the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-and-we-LOOK-GREAT down to pat. In an ideal world, all developers would be this playfully bizarre.

After playing a game of thermonuclear war, we head down to a bar then to a curry house then to a club and then we loop back to the start of the post with little more to say.

Yeah, seems we can’t get away from that after all.

It also appears that there is photographic proof of how far Indie developers will go to get noticed :)


NB: all info is helpfully from this Iv forum post. Thanks to vrap.

Edit: Links to pictures:


Staff member
I take it (somewhat presumptiously) that vic is hired eyecandy and not actually one of the dev team ?


Staff member
hehe talk about sticking out like a sore thumb :)

(not that I'm saying the rest of the team have been running into parked busses or anything ... bah okay I am saying that)


Well, just found this on WikiPedia. As it's in the public domain, it's not breaking my NDA to say, "LOOK AT THE PRETTY MENU DEFCON HAS!" I'd also like to point out that Introversion asked for help from the community in collecting data tables for the main menu of Defcon. The right hand side of the screen looks just like one of those, so I'd say it's a fair bet that the tables are some how "animated" to show different tables :)

Plus, it appears you can see Australia "through" the Pacific Ocean, leading to the world appearing 3D.

Sorry if you find this boring, but the first time I saw the Darwinia main menu, I nearly wet myself with pleasure. Maybe the same was true when I saw the DefCon main menu, and I'd just trying to show everyone here how nice it is... :D

On an unrelated note, the Defcon site has a roadmap as progress. Early October is listed having a release party, which beta-testers have been invited to. I, for one, am going to meet the Iv guys (and girls) (again) :)


Defcon is now available to pre-order! For £10 only! Bargain!

From this post by Chris, the lead developer:

Just a couple of weeks to go until Defcon's launch - and we are offering the game for Pre-order! The cost is just £10 ( $17.50 dollars, €14 euros ). For that price you'll get a digital download of the game at the moment of launch, and we'll also ship a FREE boxed copy of the game to you in the post. This special price offer only applies to pre-orders - after that the boxed copies will cost an additional £5 in order to cover our production and delivery costs.

This website is the ONLY place you can get this boxed copy. Here are some pics from the box and printed manual:

[Images removed - elD]

We can also offer the game as a digital download through STEAM. If you would like to buy the game this way please visit their website.

The launch date of DEFCON will be Friday 29th September 2006, at 6.00pm GMT.


And hot on the heels of the pre-order announcement, is that there is a copy of the manual available from Steam :)


Damn straight it is! It's in the PRINTED Darwinia one too :) I'm so proud :D


I'm in the readme of the Nakatomi (1.2) patch, so yes, I am! :D


In Cryo Sleep
A favour here, a favour there and a little bit of money in the right hands can make anything happen :) I think he was a beta tester?