Mistakes & Regrets
Anyone who knows, knows the rest. Especially you.
But, cutting through the not-that-dunk dunk, is there anything else I’d like to talk about? As I find myself at a keyboard at an ungodbly hour, yet one which strikes me as too early to throw the towel in yet. Well, yeah, there is, but I find myself flirting around the issue. I’m not particularly good at being Passive-aggressive. Except, clearly, I am.
C’mon. Let’s try and get away from that. Was over for the majority of the afternoon and evening in Bath, seeing their final demonstration of Defcon to Future. The entirty of the active Introversions turn up resplendent in rented-RAF uniforms to get the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-and-we-LOOK-GREAT down to pat. In an ideal world, all developers would be this playfully bizarre.
After playing a game of thermonuclear war, we head down to a bar then to a curry house then to a club and then we loop back to the start of the post with little more to say.
Yeah, seems we can’t get away from that after all.