Eh. (aka Call of Duty 2)


Well-Known Member
Re: Eh.

The problem is finding a public server that isn't modded, and isn't full of twats. I am friends with someone who is high up in a good clan, so I will ask if I'm allowd to recruit a few people from their public server. If not I shall have to spend a few hours looking through the server browser for a non-clan public that isn't modded (last thing you want is to recruit from a zombie gametype server...)

EDIT: I've made a temp CoD2 TS channel, is it possible to not purge it untill we find out if this is a go-ahead please?


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Eh.

From experience Ive found that a good way to recruit is to look out for good folks on public servers, try and get their xfire, play a few friendly matches (use the cod.wars irc channel) with them and then get them introduced to the community/clan.


Re: Eh.

Ronin Storm said:
I don't know whether CoD2 supports sprays, but a decent [THN] spray in the fashion of the CS Source one DocBot produced could be another route to recruitment. Again, used sparingly (no more than once every 30 minutes) and carefully placed and designed (DocBot's looks like a man-shaped target with points on it, done tastefully as a poster that fits in with the game).

Yeah I remember Docbots CSS sprays well :D.

Anyway I made a spray for COD2 that you can use to recruit people, I don't know what File Format COD2 supports for sprays but heres the PNG version. I played about with the text for a while and came up with this Style:


However I was a bit unsure about it so this is just the plain text version:


If it doesn't support PNG tell me and I'll change it as I still have the .PSD file :D.

I like the render especially, it is fits perfectly for recruiting as its got the famous Pointing Finger :).

EDIT: I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I had to Lighten the render up a bit, I thought of blending the render in But I quite like it sticking out now. Anyway heres the lightened render version:


Again use whatever version you are happy with, and if you want any adjustments made then give me a tinkle

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Eh.

Nice start there Macca. Two thoughts:

  1. The text should be as easy to read as possible. I find that putting a 3 pixel glow round the text in a base colour really helps it stand out.
  2. I suggest that the main text reads "[THN] Needs You!" (note the "s").


Re: Eh.

Yeah I wasn't to sure about the text. Text is probably the most frustrating thing when producing things in photshop :p.

Anyway here it is with the adjustments:


Here's the PSD if you want to have a quick change of anything yourself.


Re: Eh.

ahh well, easy come easy go. I suppose someone can use it for Day of Defeat or something :p.


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Eh.

Wow very nice sprays Macca! COD2 unfortunatley doesn't support them (However they might on some modded servers, need to check). Thanks though.


Active Member
Gaming Rig
Manufacturer: Home Build
Processor: 3.9Ghz Pentium 4 Dual-Core
Memory: 3Ghz DDR RAM
Hard Drive: 500GB Sony SATA + 300GB LG SATA
Video Card: 2x NVidia 7900 GTX 512MB (1GB Vid. RAM)
Monitor: 2x AG neOvo 42
Sound Card: Audigy Platium X
Speakers/Headphones: 7.3 Surround sound Dolby Logic cinema system
Keyboard: Compaq wireless ProGamer Keyboard
Mouse: Logitech X2 wireless 12 Button mouse
Mouse Surface: Matt white sponge Logitech
Operating System: Windows XP Professional SP2

Is this really your system, cus if it is you shouldnt be playing Cod2 at 1280x960, hell even I can get 1600x1200 with my crappy 7800 gt :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
No, global permissions. Only Mods can delete, and even then it is done via the "Edit" function or via inline moderation.


Well-Known Member
Killer, as I have bad eyesight having very high res. would make it even harder than it already is to play.


Junior Administrator
1) Your graphics card ain't crappy.
2) Bear in mind that the display setup is highly influential here. Ie maximum resolutions on a monitor.

1280x960 is a fine resolution to use with a HDTV compatible projector... now if only I had money to get one of those...