Epic Guild Meet Part 2


In Cryo Sleep
Ok guys things are now in motion and its just down to ourselfs to sort out our own shit, but this doesnt mean if your traveling over that some of us english peoples cant help u out with info or possible lifts.
This thred is ONLY for people confirming that they r definatly going! pls dont start discussions as thats what the other thred is but if u have got your dates off work and dont see money as an issue place your name here next to mine.

So just to be clear Only place your name if u are DEFINATLY attending! everything else use the other thred.


In Cryo Sleep
I might as well be the first since i booked the time off today. Im there guys cant wait for the man love!


Well-Known Member
I just bought my house for next year today. I shall be there AND be square - double threat guy!


In Cryo Sleep
OK, im on the list, feels good this time, at least this list doesn't stop me from getting within 100 yards of schools... :p

Time off ain't a prob, may even bring mah good lady.

Zoop! Zoop!


In Cryo Sleep
I'm there, alright. Just trying to sort trip details, as flying to London is insanely cheaper, so I'm comparing railroad / bus fares and whatnot.


Active Member
It is unlikely me and the kitten will be able to attend, but a note for those who do venture abroad from the Land of Hol; The Denizens of the Hall of Legends can be appeased by the offering of smeerkaas and hagelslag. Smeerkaas more then hagelslag tho. Bringing such an offering may protect you from (or make you more likely to be party to, if you are so inclined. I don't judge...) unpleasant attacks in the posterior region (or "Surprise buttsecks" as it is locally known)

All bets are of regarding Aymasia tho...

PS: Nactall need not bring gifts. He's in for it anyway...


In Cryo Sleep
There is no way to appease Masia. Ideally you need someone to Sacrifice. Draetec should be perfect.


IThe Denizens of the Hall of Legends can be appeased by the offering of smeerkaas and hagelslag.

Meerkats and Hackey-sacks...

On a related note i may have just thought of a brilliant sport...

Kel grab a dozen small African rodents, a barrel of spherical beanbags and meet me in North Korea...


Well-Known Member
Meerkats and Hackey-sacks...

On a related note i may have just thought of a brilliant sport...

Kel grab a dozen small African rodents, a barrel of spherical beanbags and meet me in North Korea...

Kenan! Where am I gonna find a dozen small African rodents? I ain't never been to Africa! Kenan?! Ahhhh, here it goes!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

You know what, screw it. I'm there, one way or another. Wife won't be joining us, alas...
