OK GUYS here it is, massive thanks to
Gribly aka Khan for this one because we now have a hotel that can take all of us and its very cheap but very good service (can i get a virtual Five people)
So here it is
there should be a map and a phone number on this Link, use the number to book your room asap these are the rooms and prices:
single room £30
Twin room £50
Double bed room £50 (if u want a double for just 1 person shell do it for £35 tho)
Triple room £70 (3 singles, not a as i thought an orgy triple bed)
Our contact is
Jackie and she has incredibly kindly said we can have the whole hotel for our meet, as far as i know thr are places for about 16 people in this hotel.
Me an gribly have already booked ours i suggest u ether contact me and ill book yor room for u or u ring your self, The party is under my RL name which is Daniel Welsh so use that to keep things grped.
Lastly a mention on the people that are very kindly offering rooms or sofas, i would like to just say i already know midge and peepee r staying at James/baldis/brads/woogles /any other reprobait they could cram into that place. i only bring this up because i have heard from some people that they dont know where there staying! well if u dont arrange a free room at there's u really should use this link because its the best i can see for numerous reasons but obviously its personal choice.
If u have any queirys about any of this pls talk to me ingame or on ts, Jackie has MY CARD details and any misbehaiving or random shit is on me

so i can help u get stuff sorted if u need.
Oh one more thing and what sealed the deal for me.... we all get a room key and a front door key which means we can come in at ANY time of night in any condition lol (perfect)
It seems that not only is the hotel reletivly close to the center of the city and therefore the station, but also very close to the Boys new pad, so again a good reason to get yor room sorted.
One last point id like to mention here is that anyone that wants me to book for them need to tell me the exact booking dates and a Real name to book under, then i wont have a problem.