If they fix the crappy UI, the rather defunct class system (seriously, start as a crafting class and see how useless you are until you choose a more worthwhile class), fix the MASSIVE load-delay issues in all areas (populated or otherwise), give better (ie, at least some) city-to-city transportation, have some form of intro to a given profession (crafting/gathering mainly), make gathering proffessions a little bit more instructive/managable, have a jump function, give players more reason to commune with one another (seriously, the only conversations i see are when people are being stupid with their questions or people talking amongst themselves, ie in a group), have some form of reward structure for exploration, have the movement a little less clunky and make combat more fluent then maybe... MAYBE I'll consider another gander at the game. Until all those issues are addressed, I ain't even poking it with a stick at 40 yards.