Friendly clan war vs TS (8th Jan 2006)

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Staff member

Get signed up a.s.a.p and we'll have a nice informal game - everyone welcome so you dont need to be a member of the Enemy Down clan to play. Assume that we are playing on our server unless its stated otherwise - global unlocks apply to all rounds. TS have chosen to play 2 rounds of sharqi - we have the choice of two rounds on a map of our choice so post up opinions on what you would like to have played and we will make it so :)

Sign up in the event post on the calendar - thoughts, comments in here please.

[edit]Fi$hy has now taken over the running of this event - please liase with him for details[/edit]


Staff member
it is on the calender - I just put it under 2005 first time round :P and yeah TC not TS ... and yeah sod the admins this is a friendly for anyone :) Syline asked so I thought yeah why not ... and here it is - hopefully thats ok with you fi$hy as I know you want to organise things too ?


Yes that's fine, aye cap-itan. If you wanna go without the mods feel free.
I'm just worried about the increasing element of confusion (TC, ASY, PRIMM, TBf2 maps, CTF anyone??)

#Edit# I'm sorry everyone, I'm in a pissed-off pre-christmas mood, especially as i've lost elements of my coursework "curls into a ball and sobs"


Because I have not played it for a while, I may be a bit rubbish at BF2 .. Would you prefer skilled players compared to me? :)


In Cryo Sleep
Community match is open to all. Get signed up mate.

I'll play if I'm needed. It would be nice to see someone else take the command role though.


p.s. Loving the new sign up thingy.


In Cryo Sleep
Just signed up looking forward to a meaty campaign :P

p.s. will play commander unless anyone else has their mits set on it

p.p.s I LOVE FI$HY'S AVATAR THINGY ^.^ so cute!!!


Lol, yes get signed up you bunch of saps

"the depression has ended, I got wankered watching little britain with the famile"

Oli, quite the opposite mate, I want people who havn't played much (or at least not with THN) to have the priority here. So in other words, get signed up and have a great christmas!


New Member
I'm available as always.
Dont want to step on Newbies toes though.
I dont mind being reserve if nesserary.


If I had some way of slapping this up-top and insuring you all read it I would. Hopefully someone with mod powers can slap this up for me!

Anyhoo, been talking with leader of TC
Slight Change to Friendly!
Team size is extended to 14 players each (so continue to sign up)
They don't want unlocks, so they're off unless anyone has an objection.
Finally TC is looking for an organised clan war, so tacticians step forward!

Oh and expect the second map to be Mashtur City!

Syline said:
Hi! smile.gif

We were looking for an organised ED style match, just with the difference that it's a friendly, and not any ladder match. I'm not sure what you mean with un-organised random fun, as friendlies usually are for fun and practice anyway. smile.gif Did you want this to be like a random pub match, where teams are mixed up etc?

We could change it to 14v14 if you like. smile.gif

Oh and another thing, I noticed haven put it up with global unlocks in your calendar, but we would prefer playing without unlocks. Is that okay for you?

So pending conformation by Syline, this match will be as follows:
2 Rounds PM (20 mins), Sharqi + Mash
Global Unlocks off
14 players per team
Match at 8pm, all players on T.S by 7:30


I should be up for this on, My Modem comes on the 4th (hopefully) so I should be back up and running now, Sgt Safety alsosays he'll play.


In Cryo Sleep
count me in,havent had ne action for ages, since that spanking we took at oman,maybe thats y i dint play again lol
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