Grand Theft Auto IV


In Cryo Sleep
What console are you playing it on? I played it on a PS3 and haven't notice any strain on the thing, definately nothing like what SA did to the PS2.

And has anyone else heard about these so-called 'freezing bugs'? Mum says she heard them talk about it on the radio.

X360 - the fuzzy shadows, low framerates at high speeds, blur on the horizon and texture/object popup are supremely offputting at points. I don't understand how you are having no problems since Eurogamer think that, if anything, performance is better on the X360. Unless it's just that I have a dodgy 'box, of course, but I've read about popup and fuzz a few times already.


In Cryo Sleep
I disagree. The multiplayer and excellent yet subtle use of euphoria tech raise the bar far beyond anything we've seen in the past. Future games will be judged against it. It's a step forward for game development as a whole.

I haven't played multiplayer yet, and doubt I will for at least a while because I bought GTAIV as a single-player game, but I will agree that Euphoria is one of the best things about the game. I left it out of my big spiel because it was getting too long and I'm at work, but yeah, it deserves a mention. However, for me, a good physics engine does not = outstanding game. If that were true then I'd be making sweet love with Half Life 2 in several positions right now, but that's not the case.

Too many annoyances and a dodgy storyline prevent this good game from becoming a great game.


Well-Known Member
The storyline and money being useless are a pretty major takeaway. Especially since you keep all your weapons after you die. Also, where the hell is the flamethrower?! Not to mention a distinct lack of other weapons! Remember Vice City which had 3 weapon sets. Not forgetting the minigun. God that rocked. I'm hoping the DLC will address a few of these issues, but I ain't hopeful.

PsiSoldier28 said:
What console are you playing it on? I played it on a PS3 and haven't notice any strain on the thing, definately nothing like what SA did to the PS2.

And has anyone else heard about these so-called 'freezing bugs'? Mum says she heard them talk about it on the radio.

Yeah, the PS3 is quite the beast when it comes to hardware so I'm not surprised it doesn't lag. On the other hand at least most X-Boxers can play it!


Well-Known Member
The storyline and money being useless are a pretty major takeaway. Especially since you keep all your weapons after you die. Also, where the hell is the flamethrower?! Not to mention a distinct lack of other weapons! Remember Vice City which had 3 weapon sets. Not forgetting the minigun. God that rocked. I'm hoping the DLC will address a few of these issues, but I ain't hopeful.

Yeah, the PS3 is quite the beast when it comes to hardware so I'm not surprised it doesn't lag. On the other hand at least most X-Boxers can play it!

Update: There are also reports that the Xbox 360 version is locking up, though we have yet to find a conclusive source (e.g., forum thread) [here's a source!] -- or any suggestions for a fix (no game data to delete!). Any leads?

You were saying something about freezing?


Staff member
Also, where the hell is the flamethrower?! Not to mention a distinct lack of other weapons! Remember Vice City which had 3 weapon sets. Not forgetting the minigun. God that rocked. I'm hoping the DLC will address a few of these issues, but I ain't hopeful.
As mentioned before, I really wouldn't call any of that an 'issue.' They've set out to make a very different game than Vice City or San Andreas. In fact, I'd say that GTA4 is much more like GTA3 than either of those two. Back to basics, as it were.

Just because certain features are missing or work differently in a "sequel" doesn't mean the game is a step backwards. Judging a game via a feature-by-feature comparison is just stupid.


Well-Known Member
As mentioned before, I really wouldn't call any of that an 'issue.' They've set out to make a very different game than Vice City or San Andreas. In fact, I'd say that GTA4 is much more like GTA3 than either of those two. Back to basics, as it were.

Just because certain features are missing or work differently in a "sequel" doesn't mean the game is a step backwards. Judging a game via a feature-by-feature comparison is just stupid.

I never said it was a step backwards. Just a disappointment as the choice of weapons was a bonus.

Also how is going back to basics better? It just becomes the get mission, beat mission and continue the sub-par story which is not what I've learned to expect from RockStar. At least if I got bored in San Andreas I could become a vigilante and run over a few criminals to take a break from the story. What can I do in this new back to basic version when I get bored of the story? Take Roman to a strip club? I'd love to be enjoy driving about but it's become so annoying now. Does anyone find motorbikes at all enjoyable anymore?


Staff member
At least if I got bored in San Andreas I could become a vigilante and run over a few criminals to take a break from the story. What can I do in this new back to basic version when I get bored of the story?
You could... become a vigilante and run over a few criminals.

Hell, I've been mostly ignoring the story. Most of the fun I've had involves causing trouble or exploring. The city is the best character in the game.


Junior Administrator
Bear in mind i havent played the game all that much, but:

You are forgetting some things here.

Vigilante missions can be completed by nicking a cop car and hacking the police computer. Not tried it myself but thats what I got told after hacking it for Brucie for the first time.

If you DO want a break from the storyline then phone people such as Roman or Little Jacob and use the "Job" option when calling them. They have special (non-story missions for you). I'm sure other people later in the story will be similar.

I have the 360 version of the game. I have experienced no issues relating to slowdown or anything like that. In fact, in my opinion the PS3 version is WORSE because its loading times are noticably longer than what they are on the Xbox - I know this because my friend has the game on PS3 and it seemed to take an age whenever a loading screen was displayed (compared with how long I normally have to wait).

Having hardly played previous versions of GTA games due to what I felt was a severely lacking combat system I really have nothing to compare GTA4 to.

All told, it is a very enjoyable game and though I am not playing it to death I still pick it up every now and then and play for a couple of hours to do a couple more missions :)

I like being able to do that.


In Cryo Sleep
I dont think the loading time is very long on the PS3... the ingame loading time is usually 3-6 seconds or so... however, when it comes to multiplayer, the loading screen is there for a very long time. Sometimes more than 20 seconds. And thats very annoying.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
There does seem to be slow polarity occurring over the merits of GTA4.

I've always treated GTA games as something of a toy where I'm make up my own objectives that sometimes coincide with the game's story and other times have nothing to do with it. To date, I've never completed a GTA game; I found all their stories to be relatively uninteresting except for the opportunity to open up new areas or features in the game. In that respect, GTA4 is winning for me because I quite like Nico as a character, which is a first for me for the GTA series.

As far as the open world game goes, I appreciate the focus over the splurge of features from previous games. I don't miss the flamethrower or the tank or having soldiers chase me in a max-star chase; they just seem gimmicky in retrospect and not something I particularly found to be overly fun. Sure, maybe I'd try to survive a max-star hunt in a hard-to-reach corner of the map a couple of times but, after that, the appeal wore off. Why include a feature I won't want to use? Seems a waste.

Instead, the core of the game seems much better refined. The cars drive better, the gunfights are much improved, the cops are more interesting to try to escape from (no more suicide ramming unless they're getting really serious) and there's more, well, character to the world. I drive by the first apartment for nostalgia from time to time, just cruising... 'til some idiot crashes into my recently painted Sabre GT where I have to leap out and kill that mofo, blow up his car, shoot some cops and generally go totally postal.

I'm about half way through the game. I think I've played a bit less than the rest of you but, even so, I probably spend around half my GTA play time just driving round, trying to get that five rolls from one crash achievement (which is proving to be tricky) or just peering at the street signs. Hell, one evening I just watched the TV for half an hour.

It's a game I can play my way, whatever that way might be this evening. In that respect, it is incredible.


Psy you got PS3 or just played on one?? if so Add me Cookalarcha
That goes for any THNer with one....

With exams at the moment ive not been playin many games the Odd COD4..
Whenever i put GTA4 on now i just CBA to do out so ive stopped playin it for a while
TBH im to hyped for MGS4 that all other games seem boring at the mo
im gona get the limited edition witch is pointles but im a fan so i will anyways :D

Anyone played CoH in a while??? ive started playin it again and i fancy a few games with the lads again :)


Well-Known Member
In fact, in my opinion the PS3 version is WORSE because its loading times are noticably longer than what they are on the Xbox - I know this because my friend has the game on PS3 and it seemed to take an age whenever a loading screen was displayed (compared with how long I normally have to wait).

Hang on hang on... Which load times are you talking about here? As far as I know the only load times are when you load a saved game, before and after cutscenes and (I assume) when joining a MP game (Which - again - I assume is mainly dependant on internet speed). Now I don't know if the game runs in the seamless fashion on the 360 as it does on the PS3 (No loading between areas, buildings, that stuff), but the load times seem very short, especially as on the PS3 version it's installed to the HDD (As I hear the 360 can't be installed even if you have a HDD version 360).

Psy (PSI DAMNIT!) you got PS3 or just played on one?? if so Add me Cookalarcha
That goes for any THNer with one....

Have and finished on. I would, but I don't have the internet (for the 90th time :P).


Have and finished on. I would, but I don't have the internet (for the 90th time :P).

You dnt have the net yet your posting on here??
And for those who care about witch GTA4 is better
the 360 is found to be running at a higher res 720p
wher as teh ps3 is found to run at 640p

I aint checked if anyone else posted this...
But tbh i dnt care if 360 wins this one its the same game just dif res,,
thats like comparin ppl on PCs with dif specs, some can run at highest res others only on lowest yet no one else cares about it do they??? same with graphics abilites......
I dont care much for the graphic and res comparisons but games.. MGS4 wins the PS3s vote for me always has its why i baught one tbh as well as Killzone 2

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So you can justify why you spent £300 on a big black paperweight? :p

The whole paperweight argument is becoming less valid with time, though, as the PS3 builds up a back catalogue of games just as the 360 has but without the 360's really poor track record for hardware failure. Sure, my second 360 has lasted a good year now but I treat it very carefully.

Besides, while I'm not sure it's relevant to talk about "winners" in this context, I do think the comparison of the merits of the platforms is still worthwhile and is always going to be centred around flagship games such as GTA4: games with high production values and high market interest. My hope is that we, as end users, get a better product (be it hardware or software) as a byproduct of the comparisons, at least in the longer term.