Grand Theft Auto IV


In Cryo Sleep
There're quite a few little gems of humour dotted around the game, if you take the time to find them out. There's a funny little cartoon show about Republican space rangers appears on TV at some point, poking fun at the American crusade for freedom through liberal use of guns and bombs :D Also, have a look on the 'internet' for the fake social networking sites and the YouTube mockup which are pretty funny. My favourite, though, has to be the KRAPEA website - a spoof of IKEA, complete with emotionally devoid Swedish dialogue and loaded with jokes about the stores being a maze, and the items of oddly-named furniture that are completely useless :D Had me gutting myself last night!


Staff member
I was sure I'd posted this already, but I guess not. For those of you still having issues with the driving, try to go a little easier on the brakes. The triggers are anaolg for a reason, holding the brake halfway rather than jamming it all the way down works wonders. (Also, you can get excellent results by applying the brake without letting off of the gas.) Again, it really depends on the car you're driving, but by mixing and matching the techniques you can get most cars to behave like you want.


Well-Known Member
Personally I like the new more realistic driving style, it fits in with the having the physics really. Can't have realistic physics if your going to have Mario Kart driving ;)
PS. I finished it last weekend (I accidently ran Darko over in a truck after he legged it too!)


In Cryo Sleep
I also like the driving alot. Now I can actually drive a car all the way from one end of the city to the other without breaking it. To be honest I think its easier now thats its harder, because Im more carefull.

However.. when I play cops 'n crooks, why is it ALWAYS the idiots who's driving??? They are driving the wrong way, hitting every single lightpole and car, and ends up killing the entire team by accidently driving the car off a cliff.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm really enjoying the driving. The pressure sensitive controls for the accelerator and, to a lesser extent, the brake allow me to cruise around carefully if I choose or drive as fast as possible into the nearest indestructible object.

Not yet played the multiplayer. I have this idea that I should complete the single player game first... which is probably madness!


...which is probably madness!

Madness? THIS IS THN!

Etc. Now for the non-spamminess of this post, would people say that GTA-IV is worth getting then? After watching ZP yesterday, I had a massive urge to go get it. Even from what he said... Damn my sheep like ability to do what the masses do!


Junior Administrator
Dude. Get it.

This game is going to take me AGES to "finish" but there is so much to do in it that you will always be able to find something to entertain yourself.

And also you can pick it up, do a mission, and then 20 mins later when you done it (or however long it takes) put it back down again.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Now for the non-spamminess of this post, would people say that GTA-IV is worth getting then?

In short, HELL YES!

I've not watched any media or read any reviews so I can't see the people trying to make themselves seem smart by "critically appraising" GTA4 but, for me, it is easily as fun as Vice City with smarter graphics and superior controls (going from PC to 360). Some of the design is masterful; so slick and natural that unless you're wondering "I wonder how this was put together?" then you'll just accept it. A lot of tedium has been wiped away from the San Andreas offering. I'm very pleased with it. And I've not even touched multiplayer yet.

I'd happily put this game somewhere in my top 10, though it'd still sit behind Max Payne and Fahrenheit though they are in a somewhat different style.


Junior Administrator
The only thing that I haven't liked about it so far is the friends system - people you get to know then become your friend and will occasionally phone you to see if you want to hang out.

That's all fine, but as your phonebook fills up with contacts you start to get more and more calls... even in the middle of missions.

If you turn them down then they start to not like you a bit :/


Well-Known Member
It's definitely worth getting but I still think Vice City is better than them all! :D


Nah GTA3 was the best but vice and San andreas had so many side things and that to do witch was good...
Anyone else noticed how much is missing in GTA4??
Places to buy, car upgrades wher a cool feature.. Guns at safe houses.. The max star felony milatary! wheres the tanks and army.....
Also the little things like the random Rampages that could be done in the old ones
or the police, fire and medical side missions that gave bonus health, armour and fire resistance if all done....
Its just lost so much...
But its good for what its got


Well-Known Member
Nah GTA3 was the best but vice and San andreas had so many side things and that to do witch was good...
Anyone else noticed how much is missing in GTA4??
Places to buy, car upgrades wher a cool feature.. Guns at safe houses.. The max star felony milatary! wheres the tanks and army.....
Also the little things like the random Rampages that could be done in the old ones
or the police, fire and medical side missions that gave bonus health, armour and fire resistance if all done....
Its just lost so much...
But its good for what its got

I'm willing to bet that when (Or rather, if) this gets ported to PC, someone, somewhere, sometime, will attempt to mod the missing stuff back into the game!

The reason I think the military was taken out is because, you don't exactly expect to have a military base situated in every single city now, do ya? On SA, VC and 3 it was plausable, because each had their own military base/outpost, but I don't think that'd fit in with the new Liberty City.


Well-Known Member
I'd say it woulda been pretty easy to fit in a military outpost into Liberty City. Failing that it woulda been pretty cool for soldiers to be airdropped in! :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Still, don't you think it's a bit pointless comparing GTA4 to other games in the series? Isn't that trying to play a game that doesn't exist instead of enjoying the (really good) game that does exist?


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean fit in as in size, rather the style of it.

Yeah, me too. I'd say it would have been really easy to fit another island in that served as a military base and when you got 6 stars Black Hawks and things came and dropped soldiers. Not sure about tanks though, I don't think they'd fit in this, especially since the game has turned down the road to realism.

Anyway, I found this which gives 10 reasons which suck about GTA IV. I'd have to agree with all of them apart from number two.

I mean it's a great game, but they've done that thing where they make a game look really shiny and hop the graphics covers for the lack of gameplay. I mean, look at SA. The graphics on that were awful, even compared to other PS2 titles. But that didn't matter because the game was so much fun to play!


In Cryo Sleep
It's fun, and worth buying, but I wouldn't go as far as saying it's the best GTA yet. I can see how they've tried to pare off some of the excess fat that San Andreas was carrying and preserve the good bits, but the unfortunate thing is that they seem to have made the wrong choices of what features to keep and what to chuck. For example, gone are the fun car customisation garages and property markets, which were at least a good way to spend some hard-earned money; and yet they've opted to retain and even expand the annoying 'girlfriend' feature. Except now it's not just girlfriends, you have an entire phonebook of chums you are expected to wine, dine and entertain at every opportunity and they all share the annoying habit of calling you just as you are on the way to a mission. I've just taken to cancelling all their phonecalls and living with the guilt-inducing thumbs down that pops up above your map.

Other enjoyable side-quests from the older games which seem to have missed the cut include the dirt bike/stock car/DD track racing, driving/bike/plane lessons and the omnipresent car boosting lists. Sure, there's Brucie's car requests, but half the fun in the older games was having to keep your eyes peeled trying to find the cars on the streets.

There are, of course, plenty of decent improvements on the older games. The car handling for one feels much, much better. The various car types carry far more differing characteristics this time around, so that light, low-slung sports cars feel rapid and nimble, but about as robust as an empty Wotsits packet against the brutish, loud and heavy Fort Knox on wheels that is the Packer. The new physics engine also makes the 4x4s a hell of a lot of bouncy fun over bumpy roads and grass verge, and I'm glad to see that the Patriot has made a proper comeback - with even higher suspension that GTA3.
I have to say that I had a go on GTA Vice City last night, just to see how the physics from that game compared to IV, and the difference is a lot larger than I would have believed. I think I definitely prefer the newer physics :)

Another area that has come on a lot is the weapons and cover system, which was undeniably clunky and impractical on the PS2 incarnations. It just feels much more refined and tactical, and you really get a sense of needing to dive for cover when under fire rather than just taking it and blasting away with heavy weaponry like in SA. Ducking behind corners and walls feels pretty natural, the only problems being that Niko likes to stick to the wall a little too much when you want to pull him away, and the cover-to-cover dodging system seems a bit hit-and-miss. Still, the warehouse and construction yard firefights were pretty thrilling. I dare say there is a little room for improvement - sometimes Niko aims at the wrong man, and you find that the analog stick gives you a harder fight trying to select someone than the actual mobsters themselves. I've found these issues compromising my missions on a couple of occasions, like once I was edging toward the corner of a corridor and failed to see a man standing right on the opposite side of the corner until the last minute, but the sticky walls and aiming screen that prefers to look directly into the wall rather than down the corridor saw me losing a good 1/4 of my health before I could finally coax Niko into shooting the guy. Annoying on occasion, but certainly a big improvement on the old system.

Now, the graphics - which happen to be about the only thing next-gen systems can do better than last-gen - are again a bit hit and miss. What was I praying for the whole time in the run up to GTA IV? Please do NOT overdo the graphics and cripple the system like you did with SanAn on the PS2. What happens? They cripple the system with overdone graphics ... When will they learn! I'd rather have smoother framerates than ornately detailed name badges on cars, less pop-up than picture-perfect smoke effects and crisp objects over multiple heat-haze, smog, polarising, 'twighlight-grey' and coffee filters. But apparently Rockstar fail to get the message. There some isolated areas where the graphics shine, like rain, puddles and water are done beautifully, and the character models themselves, whilst a little plain and comical, stand up to close scrutiny. But COME ON, stop grinding the thing to halt and making the heatsink throw in the towel.

One final point of note is the story, or lack thereof. Usually, if there's one thing I could have trusted Rockstar with it would be for them to weave a delightfully absorbing tale of gang-mobbery, murder and revenge sprinkled with top humour and great narrative. However, aside from a few interesting characters later in the game, there really doesn't see to be all that much of a story. He's pursuing the American Dream and he wants money to fund a mysterious revenge mission, but that's about all you're given at the start and it's all you're left to go on for about half the game whilst a stream of largely forgettable faces flash past your face in all-too-short mission series. Some characters have only about 3 missions before ending, usually with a bullet hole in the head courtesy of Niko Bellic and his schizophrenic (I want to be the good guy, but I can't help but pull the trig.. oh shit, there goes another one) personality, which really isn't enough time to let the characters grow on you. Another problem, which I mentioned earlier, is that there is very little use for money in the game and that, coupled with the lack of tangible progression, takes away a lot of the incentive to do missions. It wouldn't even be so bad if the missions themselves were fresh and fun, but aside from some good assassination and assault missions it's just the standard 'find this guy, car chase ensues, whack him' fare that I've grown tired of after 3 previous installments. Fair enough, there really isn't much more besides that that you could expect low-level hardmen to do, but it'd help if there was at least evidence of an attempt to do something out-of-the-ordinary. Woozie's casino and The Truth's country drug farm missions from SanAn spring to mind.
Honestly, I've gotten onto the third island, it looks much the same as the other two and now I'm bored with it a bit, preferring to play Final Fantasy 9 instead which is a much better example of a 10/10 game.

Hmmmm, I'm a good doom and gloom merchant these days :) In this case it stems out of disappointment of what potential the game could have had and lost, but all in all it's just as fun as the next game and you'll find it enjoyable for the time being.

To summarise, it's the same GTA you've played for the last 8 years with some new stuff thrown in, some good stuff mysteriously gone missing and a fresh lick of paint. Enjoyable as a GTA game, but not the legendary era-defining showpiece I would have expected it to be. 8/10


Well-Known Member
Shima_Tetsuo said:
Now, the graphics - which happen to be about the only thing next-gen systems can do better than last-gen - are again a bit hit and miss. What was I praying for the whole time in the run up to GTA IV? Please do NOT overdo the graphics and cripple the system like you did with SanAn on the PS2. What happens? They cripple the system with overdone graphics ... When will they learn! I'd rather have smoother framerates than ornately detailed name badges on cars, less pop-up than picture-perfect smoke effects and crisp objects over multiple heat-haze, smog, polarising, 'twighlight-grey' and coffee filters. But apparently Rockstar fail to get the message. There some isolated areas where the graphics shine, like rain, puddles and water are done beautifully, and the character models themselves, whilst a little plain and comical, stand up to close scrutiny. But COME ON, stop grinding the thing to halt and making the heatsink throw in the towel.

What console are you playing it on? I played it on a PS3 and haven't notice any strain on the thing, definately nothing like what SA did to the PS2.

And has anyone else heard about these so-called 'freezing bugs'? Mum says she heard them talk about it on the radio.


Staff member
not the legendary era-defining showpiece I would have expected it to be.
I disagree. The multiplayer and excellent yet subtle use of euphoria tech raise the bar far beyond anything we've seen in the past. Future games will be judged against it. It's a step forward for game development as a whole.