Two completely different things:
Personally i can not get my head around this mentality and the sort that other people have. I love the competitiveness of games, its the whole reason why i play them. [...] Why bother playing a DPS if your not going to aim for the top of the meters?
These two concepts are entirely unrelated. If I'm DPSing and my DPS is steadily going up with every raid because I'm learning and gearing up and whatnot, and if my goal is to strive to be the best I can be, then I think I'm on my way, even if I'm 6th in the DPS meters. On the other hand, if my DPS is completely stagnant or even going down at times, then I'm failing miserably, even if I'm at the top of the meters.
Striving to be the best you can be is the point of the game, for me, as it is for you as well. Striving to be at the top of the meters, some times at the expense of good game play, even, is misplaced competitiveness. For all intents and purposes, WoW raiding is not (supposed to be) a competitive game, but a cooperative one. For instance, a good DPS player might some times "waste" some cooldowns on utility or CC casts that lower their personal DPS, while still contributing to group success. In fights that are not DPS races, for instance, hybrid DPSers would do good to throw a heal or two out there if the damage intake is being high. I know of people that do this and it makes a difference. (You know who you are and this is my way of saying thanks.

That said, however:
I know The Haven is "casual" but that did not stop most of our guild being so good during TBC. [...] There is nothing stopping us from being casual and good.
This. Most emphatically this. This should be forcibly engraved with hot irons into the insides of the eye lids of every Haven raider out there!
I wish people would get off the "casual guild" high horse already, especially when most of it comes back to being attributed to me, in one way or another. There are certain things I won't stand for, such as DKP, or kicking people from the guild for not showing up for raids, or stuff like that, but that doesn't mean the raid team has to be complacent about bad playing or failing to sign up.
Like Pirate is fond of saying, "do better"!
Or, alternatively, stick to Community ranks, PUG a few raids here and there for laughs, show up for alt runs (they'll come back when Cata raid hits, I'm sure), and be chill. You'll still be welcome in /g.

(Just remember not to be a prick when you PUG raids wearing the Haven guild tag, ey...?
