hmmm well for one I like having woogles jizz all over me makes me fel warm and fuzzy! Also I dont think Woogles words are actually that arrogant, but more statements of how things are. And in alot of ways he is correct, there are key players in this guild who are very good and unfortuantly they do carry other players. To them it seems unfair that they have to pick up from where others may not be pulling their weight, and they are right its not.
Now before I do what I am about to do which is pick various pieces of text from what people have posted, let me make this crystal clear, I am not picking on anyone. Purely making my take on what people have said.
"Be interesting to see who can actually play wow if they're going back to old skool - where you have to think about aggro, cc, etc." The use of the term old school here to me seems somewhat redundant as simplistic things such as think about agro have always been there, also CC was a big part in the early stages of raiding in TBC, not just Vanilla.
Like someone else said everyone needs time to get use to the changes that have been implemented, which are for Cata end level not for playing at the moment. Some of the talent trees have been completely overhauled and although we are raiding wrath with these specs and builds, you can't really test them till the max lvl has been attained.
There is always alot of talk about the status of this guild be it hardcore or casual, for me I like how it is. I have been there and done that on the hardcore raiding. It is something that alot of people in our guild could not cope with, and im not just talkign about the excessive number of nights, but more the way that raid leaders are with their raid. People do need to buck up alot though, if someone isnt performing to the expectations of the raid leaders or officers then this is something that I personally think they should address with the individual players. In a guidance way
"Don't like Elitist Jerks becaus it feels too much like being told how to play your character? " I cannot stand website such as Jerks but I do totally understand that they do know what they are talking about and that it is useful to read about specs and rotations. Personally my learning style has and always will be to learn through experiance. Everyone is different though, if you are struggling with your class then find someone who seems to be doing it right and dont be too proud to ask for advice.
"It'll be frustrating now because we have to teach other. We have to be patient. We have to calmly explain we just wiped because you hit a frozen/shackled/sheeped mob which was clearly marked with a square to boot. Or because you are a jerk and out-aggroed the tank. And then probably moaned at the tank or healer like it was their fault. " I agree it can be frustrating that you have to teach people and explain how to do stuff. But if I were leading a raid, I would expect my raiders to have the basic understanding of a fight they dont have to know every single inch of it but the basics are essential. To the same exception I would expect them to be equiped with flasks, buff food, pots for everything including anal warts. If its needed you should bring it with you. Also in a raiding situation I would expect that if someone fucks up and causes a wipe or just does something wrong that they own up to it, there is nothing worse than the good old excuses that pop up when someone dies in fire... errr my dog ate my mouse, I had a massive lagg spike blahh blahh blaahhh. Im sorry I fucked up is all that needs to be said

and were all human it does happen no one is perfect not even James
I think that is all I have to say I could go on but then again being a woman that comes naturally. But this guild will be okie if people pull their socks up and actually try hard, and also if your struggling just ask for help and advice from others.