i36 Multiplay Gaming LAN


Well-Known Member
Sincerely doubt I'm going to have a car by this stage and I'm not doing the fiasco again of flying over. £100 excess baggage my fucking arse.

i37 it is!


Junior Administrator

Multiplay are considering a cap of 1500 BYOC seats for the event, which would also move the exhibition stands from the 2nd hall into the main hall where the currently unselectable seats are situated.

So now's the time to decide if you want to come or not as with a cap of just 1500 seats that means there are less than a third of the tickets available.


First of all i wana tell all of you that is going to i36 to have a blast and realy show the world all the love of [THN].
And second i wana tell you that i live a 10min walk from this place. This winter Blizz was there and my friend huged Arthas and held the frostmourne, I had more respect for the lich king. :D


Junior Administrator
First of all i wana tell all of you that is going to i36 to have a blast and realy show the world all the love of [THN].
And second i wana tell you that i live a 10min walk from this place. This winter Blizz was there and my friend huged Arthas and held the frostmourne, I had more respect for the lich king. :D
oh man that looks AWESOME


Junior Administrator
There's gonna be a seating defrag on Thursday so if you haven't picked your seat yet (Iron_Fist) I suggest you do so....


Junior Administrator
So I realised today that there are just SIX WEEKS left until the event....

Also, there are only 300 BYOC seats left, so if you are still considering it, now's the time to make a decision :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
to quote the i36 forum

The best thing to do is sign up now and ask people to shuffle around. Signing up now gets us a bit closer to being able to book Hall 1 and thus open up the remaining 500-odd seats, so you'd definitely be able to sit together then.

so it seems like if the other 200 odd remaining seats get filled quickly then they will book out the other hall :)

come join us for a weekend of awesome you know you want to :D