i36 Multiplay Gaming LAN


Active Member
I've never had a Slush Puppy. . . .

Also: We have transport down apparently! Now I just need someone to sleep with. <.< >.>


Junior Administrator
slush puppies are made of fail.
You get weird flavour crap for the first bit then you are left with a cup of ice. All rustlers stuff is absolute filth as well.


Active Member
We're here! And bloke looks, less like I thought he looked like! THis is what happens when you first meet someone at a party in the East-end of London. . . .


Junior Administrator
...in the dark, in a cellar, when the other guy is pissed and getting more pissed by the second...


Active Member
And I'm beside him too! There are a few pictures of me at the Make Me Cooler stands shouting and looking sinister too. :)