OK, after semi-joksing around in the shoutbox I've started to give serious consideration to attending this event and meeting/horrifying Vibs. There are a few problems, though.
First I need to sort out the holiday situation. It falls kind of awkwardly with regards to the Rangers games I'm going to (I want to holiday those up), so I'm gonna have to juggle holidays between them.
Second, I need to work out the public transport system and what would be the best/cheapest way to get there and back. I could plane it to wherever's convenient and then train it out to Newbury; I could train it all the way there; or I could bus it. Have any of you folk from Northern England ever used public transport to get there? If yes, how did you do so? Alternatively, I could maybe come to an agreement with one of you other THNers who are tripping down from the northern parts by car. Perhaps I could get the train to somewhere convenient and then hitch it with someone the rest of the way?
Thirdly, I'm not humphing that big monstrosity of a PC and a viewscreen all the way down on my back. I'll be taking either my PS3 or X360 in a rucksack to save the hassle of setting up/packing away, and simultaneously bodyswerving the 'oh shit, my PC doesn't work' minefield (unless I get an RROD, which would just be nasty). Anyway, that brings up the additional problem of - I don't have a portable HDTV. Can I rent something like that down there? Is there the possibility one of you car-tripping lot have an HDTV you could let me borrow for the duration of the weekend without causing too much fuss?
Fourthly, accomodation. I think I could just about manage to carry my kompakt i37 tent and sleeping bag with me, but if anyone is planning on bringing a big huge tent with a bit of spare room then would you object to having a big gangly stick insect in there with you?
That's about enough questions to be going on with just now