Obviously, Wol, such a thing is entirely optional.
People will and can play whatever games they like, whenever they like.
My aim is simply, for the people who are perhaps not used to us, not on the boards much, don't know many other people (for myself, there is only ONE person that's going to be in that clanbox that I've not met IRL at some point, and that's Gombol, but other people are not so lucky) or perhaps would prefer to play more with THN people than with other "random" people, to give people a time to aim for being around so that we can play both the more major and perhaps the slightly smaller/lesser known games at the same time, together.
Like I said, totally optional
My thinking here is thus:
Example 1:
Say I'm wandering around in the exhibition area chatting with the people down there, taking part in various competitions and displays, but I really enjoy playing BC2 with the THN people (which I do).
If I know beforehand that, say, at 6pm on the Saturday we're going to aim to play together, I can plan what time I want to spend down in the exhibition area a bit better beforehand - instead of coming up at 7.30 to hear "OMG YOU JUST MISSED THE BEST GAME OF BC2 EVAR" I could come up at 6, join in with the people who I have chosen specifically to attend the event with, and play with my friends.
But again, totally optional, and not everyone has every game, so such a system won't work for everyone (I think I have the biggest steam account out of all of us

I believe it would also help with getting non-attendees playing with us at the same times too.
Example 2:
In your case, (again an example), if we were to say that we would all jump on Prom for some TF2 at, say, 1pm on Friday, obviously you don't have to drop everything and come running, but you know that at the time, say, half the clanbox could be playing, and playing it while in the same room as 10 other people who are on the same server (particularly with loud people like me who shout alot) is a very fun experience
If you were to only join in partway through or near the end of, say a 2 hour session, it might lose some of the "magic"
Also, please don't think I'm having a go at you here, Wol, I'm just trying to expand on my thinking a little more