Did we not have more than just trax who wanted to come but couldn't pay? Thought there were more than that thats all.
So the 16 people from the signups thread + trax still leaves 5 short. So we either
1) buy 5 tickets now, sort out the clanbox, and find 5 people who havent paid, whether they be THNers or randomers
2) find 5 randoms who aren't complete nutjobs who want to join us, who already have paid, and have booking refs online and get the clanbox using those?
I'd have said its more likely to find 5 randomers who *have* paid, rather than who havent, and thus buying the tickets ourselves is a bit silly, as its restricting it to people who aren't organised enough to have already sorted out their tickets unless we want to farce around with trying to get refunds on tickets
meh. thats how I see it anyway!
out of interest, how is there a clanbox on the seat picker which only has 4 people in?