Okay, so I'm getting roughly the same errors as before. Could it be a problem with the controller?
I'll run a complete test of both RAM and HD, but seing as both have been replaced fairly recently, I'm thinking maybe that's not where the fault lies.
The only thing that so far you haven't tested/replaced is your motherboard. I hate to say it but it sounds like that's your problem.
Possibly Docbot, it could be Karma, been playing any bad jokes on your patients ?DocBot said:I think the universe is playing a cruel joke on me :/
I think the universe is playing a cruel joke on me :/
I think the universe is playing a cruel joke on me :/
I feel.. so sorry for you. How long have you been without a fully functioning PC?! Maybe it broke because you always patronised me and teased me..
And, well, you started it, so nyah.
Battlefield 2?Yay, what a good idea!