Name that Film!


Active Member
Cheating a bit and looking at that list....

Well, while i looked at the list, i only suggested films i have seen.

Im suprised this is possible (course, it makes sense or people wouldnt be able to edit their own posts):

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Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Das Boot?

Totally correct.

A group of men are searching for something of which there are many, but are not easy to find.

The crew are hunting for allied and merchant shipping, which there was a lot of, but which is actually very difficult to find and intercept.

A number of them do not speak english.

In fact, they speak german...!

They become trapped in a steel container which occasionally makes noises which worry them, and become very tense, as well as diseased.

The steel container is the submarine, the desease is crabs, which they all catch from close proximity for protracted periods.

At times they are frightened and one of them is almost driven mad, almost needing to be shot by another man.

The chief engineer goes nuts after a particularly deep dive

They occasionally receive messages from the outside. After running out of food and water, they manage to leave the container, but must return to continue their search after gathering more provisions.

At one point in the film they are resupplied

The pressure begins to get to them, and they resign themselves to death.

This was a subtle clue about it being a submarine film - pressure...underwater. They become stuck in the straights of gibraltar and the U boat begins to break apart

Miraculously, they escape the box a second time, but many of them are killed before the end of the film.

An allied air raid after they have docked sinks the boat and kills most of the crew at the end of the film.

The film is punctuated with long stretches of tedium, where the men become disillusioned with their search.

The allied merchant shipping is difficult to find, and not easy to intercept, leading to long stages of tedium

Some of the noises that they are terrified of are caused by the container, and some come from outside the container. One of the most terrifying is a repetitive noise from OUTSIDE the container.

Fairly straightforward: The U boat creaks horribly when they test how deep it can dive due to the increasing pressure. The noises from outside are mostly caused by depth charges going off, and the repetitive noise that terrifies them is the allied sonar.

They can rarely see anything outside the box, and for much of the film, sound is their only contact with the outside world.

Also fairly straightforward

I tried to make it a bit more of a riddle, but gave a lot more information about the plot - don't know whether that was more, or less enjoyable for you?

I didn't think it was THAT difficult...


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

I tried to make it a bit more of a riddle, but gave a lot more information about the plot - don't know whether that was more, or less enjoyable for you?

To be honest, I quite enjoyed trying to think up what was going on, and I like the tack that the process took at the end. :)


Ronin Storm

Staff member
So, current scores:

7: Ronin Storm
3: Solemn
2: Chuchu, DocBot, Huung, silkth, waterproofbob, Zooggy
1: bigd, elDiablo, Wol, Xylak, Iron Fist, Panda

I was trying not to score on that one but I guess I'll have to try harder... :p

Let's go for something a little easier:

Three friends walk into a prison. Two are disguised as guards and one is pretending to be a prisoner. The ruse is necessary because they're trying to rescue someone from the prison. Unfortunately, they've not got their story straight and trying to bluff their way past the guards is plainly going south so a previously stealthy rescue attempt turns into a firefight and a less-than-stealthy escape, albeit with the person they were trying to rescue.


Well-Known Member
Three friends walk into a prison. Two are disguised as guards and one is pretending to be a prisoner. The ruse is necessary because they're trying to rescue someone from the prison. Unfortunately, they've not got their story straight and trying to bluff their way past the guards is plainly going south so a previously stealthy rescue attempt turns into a firefight and a less-than-stealthy escape, albeit with the person they were trying to rescue.

Star wars: a new hope?


Well-Known Member
A boy becomes mysteriously ill at the same time as his newfound best friend. They gradually get worse, in fact it is feared they will die. They are both eventually quarantined, where specialists frantically try to save them. The boy lives but his best friend dies.


Well-Known Member
Hoy, :)

That sounds suspiciously like E.T. :)


God damn you zooggy, I shall forevermore plague your wow in-basket with random fish and underwear, it was an old film and I thought an obscure reference. :p

7: Ronin Storm
3: Solemn, silkth, Zooggy
2: Chuchu, DocBot, Huung, waterproofbob
1: bigd, elDiablo, Wol, Xylak, Iron Fist, Panda


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

it was an old film

No, not by my standards, kid! :D

I'm going to try to be really obscure by describing just a specific scene. I'll add one a day, for as long as necessary, until someone recognizes it, which, potentially, could be right at the first one. :)

In World War II, a U.S. Army jeep sits in the dark, apparently unnoticed or unattended, in the middle of a rather large German encampment. The driver is american and the passenger is german. Suddenly, amid all the troop movements, someone notices the jeep. An alarm is sounded. A chase scene begins.



Junior Administrator
Staff member
Helloes, :)

the great escape

Alas, no. :)

Kelly's Heroes?

Like I said, the very first one. :) One of my favorite war movies of all time. "We load up the cannon with paint shells, it makes pretty pictures. Scares the shit out of the germans." :D Awesome theme tune, too...

8: Ronin Storm
3: Solemn, silkth, Zooggy
2: Chuchu, DocBot, Huung, waterproofbob
1: bigd, elDiablo, Wol, Xylak, Iron Fist, Panda

Ronin is on fire... :rolleyes:


Ronin Storm

Staff member
Big Joe: Hey look, you just keep them Tigers busy and we'll take care of the rest.
Oddball: The only way I got to keep them Tigers busy is to LET THEM SHOOT HOLES IN ME!

Took me a few to remember that the scene must be right from the beginning of the film, where the American in the Jeep is Kelly and the German is an officer with a briefcase with documents and "lead" bars.


After a crash, a group of survivors band together to try to find their way home. Amongst them, a cop and a convict butt heads but while the cop initially seems like the better choice for a leader, the convict may be the only one who can get them home.


New Member

This one is the story of three friends who travel a great distance together, surviving several life-threatening encounters, in search of someone who means a great deal to all of them.