Name that Film!


New Member
ps. as an added note, "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" was the first video we ever rented when my family got one of them new-fangled video recorder thingies :)


New Member
Die Hard: With a Vengeance.


:P All yours =)

11: Ronin Storm
10: Xylak
8: Solemn
7: waterproofbob
6: Ki!ler-Mk1, Zooggy, Huung
5: silkth
4: DocBot
3: Panda, Kasatka, Pwnstar
2: Chuchu, BiG_D, PeePee, thatbloke, Iron Fist, Sasser, paddyobrien, luc
1: elDiablo, Wol, comrade_phil, Tempscire, Corenith


Well-Known Member
The Prestige

Bingo :D

11: Ronin Storm
10: Xylak
8: Solemn
7: Ki!ler-Mk1, waterproofbob, Huung
6: Zooggy
5: silkth
4: DocBot
3: Panda, Kasatka, Pwnstar
2: Chuchu, BiG_D, PeePee, thatbloke, Iron Fist, Sasser, paddyobrien, luc
1: elDiablo, Wol, comrade_phil, Tempscire, Corenith