Name that game!!


Active Member
Ha ha, it came from a Google search, so I taken no responsibility :P

So clue time!

It's a game set in the Andromeda Galaxy


Active Member
Google suggests wild9 :p

Google is right, dear boy!

10 - thatbloke, BiG D
9 - <none>
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy
7 - Silk, Tempscire
6 - Huung, waterproofbob
5 - SgtFury, Nanor
4 - Velapho, Xylak
3 - Panda, Belegon, ChuChu, Pwnstar
2 - Xarlaxas
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, Traxata, Kasatka, Gribley, Iron Fist, Zillet


Junior Administrator
Sorry only just spotted that I was. Not going to get a chance to sort something until tomorrow night at the earliest.

If someone wants to take my turn then they are more than welcome.


Junior Administrator
Knew it was easy but i love the walker model :p

10 - thatbloke, BiG D
9 - <none>
8 - Ronin Storm, Zooggy
7 - Silk, Tempscire
6 - Huung, waterproofbob
5 - SgtFury, Nanor
4 - Velapho, Xylak
3 - Panda, Belegon, ChuChu, Pwnstar
2 - Xarlaxas, Iron Fist,
1 - Psi, comrade_phil, Traxata, Kasatka, Gribley, Zillet


New Member
It was beautiful having an army of around a 100 of those in what I believe was the 3rd gdi campaign mission (the one in which you destroy the SAMs)


Super Moderator
Staff member
i'm playing the game to get an interesting shot, should hopefully have something up tonight (also a stupidly busy weekend :( )