Name Those Games! - Some Puzzles for you


Junior Administrator
So my friend at work has sent me three images this morning:

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Each picture is a 6x6 grid with co-ordinates, and each grid square is a reference to a game. How many can you name?

if you provide answers then PLEASE enclose your answers in spoiler tags like this: [noparse]
Answers in here
[/noparse]. The previous code will look like:

Answers in here

I haven't looked to see how many I can get yet, but thought I would share it first.

And no, I don't have the answers somewhere.

Edit: I've attached the images to this post, I'm hoping they load ok from there, as it seems that Image 1 isn't loading properly from the URL anymore.

Edit 2: The thumbs are quite small, the board seems to have shrunk them somewhat :(


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Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Image one: Certains: 2A: Audiosurf, 2d: Soul Calibre. 2E: Gears of war. 3A: Animal Crossing. 3B Uncharted. 3C Shadow of the Colossus. 3D Crisis. 3E: Brainbox. 3F: Metroid prime. 4A Wipeout. 4C: Torchlight.4D. Army of Two. 4E: Borderlands. 5A. Bayonetta. 5B. Heavy Rain. 5C. Just Cause. 6A. Farcry. 6B: red Faction 6C Centipede. 6E. Portal.

Image 1. 23 of 36, 2 uncertain

Edit: Looking at ronins answers, I got 3D wrong.

Edit: More I've thought of:
1A. One must fall.1B: World of Warcraft? World at War? 1F: Picross? 2B: Pokemon. 2C: Perfect Dark. 2F. Dead Space. I also suspect 6F is also Portal, and is just a joke.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Image 2: Certain: 1C: Half life, 1E: Wii sports, 2A: Left 4 Dead. 2E. Area 51. 3E. Cubert. 3F. Chrono cross. 4B Elite beat agents. 4C Assassins creed. 4D. Golden Axe. 5B The orange box. 5C. little big planet . 5E. Ultima online. 6A. Dance dance revolution. 6B. Fallout. 6D. Silent hill. 6E. Neverwinter nights.

Image 2. 23/36. Certain, though i did misspell one

Edit, More i've thought of:
1a: Endless ocean. 1B. Twisted metal Black 1F: Odin Sphere. 2C: Saints' Row. 2D. Lost in Blue?. 3C: Eternal Darkness? 3D. Angry Birds. 4E. Dead Rising? 4F. Star Ocean.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
From image 1:

23 / 36, though 7 uncertain

1C = Medal of Honor (?)
1D = Golden Eye
2A = Audiosurf
2E = Gears of War
2F = Deadzone
3A = Animal Crossing (?)
3B = Uncharted
3C = Shadow of the Colossus
3D = Time Crisis
3E = Brain Box (?)
3F = Metroid Prime
4A = Wipe Out
4C = Torchlight
4E = Borderlands
5B = Heavy Rain
5C = Just Cause
5E = Starcraft
5F = SWAT 4 (?)
6A = Farcry
6B = Red Faction
6D = Bomberman (?)
6E = Portal (?)
6F = Portal 2 (?)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Suggest people post openly which image they're providing answers for and how many they've got so that those who are spoiler conscious don't have to peak but know roughly where you're up to.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Image 3. Certain of: 1B: Micro machines. 1D. Bust a move. 2B. Final Fantasy (7?). 2B. Wolfenstein. 2D. Broken sword. 2F. Forgotton planet. 3C. Turok. 3D. Mean streets. 3E. Minesweeper. 3F. Resistance 2. 4D. Black and White. 5A. The black heart. 5E. Day of Defeat. 6A. Guitar Hero. 6B. Overboard. 6C. Ghost squad. 6E. Outrun. 6F. Syphon filter

Image 3.

21/36. (3 unsure, excluding ones I got wrong)

And again, i realise ronins answer for 3D is correct.

Edit 2: I also prefer silkth's answer for 2F and 5A.

Edit: More I've thought of:
1E: Hellgate London? 1F: Tenchu. 2E. Sindicate 3B: Dynasty Warriors, 4E. Cool borders 4, 4C. Point Blank (?). 5B: Rayman 5C. X-isle (???)

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
67/108. About Half. Not bad.

Getting worse all the time though. Edit: Getting better with time to ponder, though I've missed some clangers.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
From image 2:

12 / 36, but 3 uncertain

1C = Half Life
2A = Left 4 Dead
2E = Area 51
2F = Altered Beast (?)
4C = Assassin's Creed
4D = Golden Axe
5B = Orange Box (?)
5D = Double Dragon
6A = Dance Dance Revolution (?)
6B = Fallout
6D = Silent Hill
6E = Neverwinter Nights

Ronin Storm

Staff member
From image 3:

13 / 36, but 2 uncertain

1A = Elder Scrolls
1B = Micro Machines
2A = Splatterhouse
2B = Final Fantasy 7
2D = Broken Sword
2F = Forgotten Worlds (?)
3D = Streets of Rage
3E = Minesweeper
4A = Fable (?)
4D = Black & White
6A = Guitar Hero
6C = Ghost Squad
6E = Outrun


Well-Known Member
Image 1

21/36 (1 unsure)

1A: One Must Fall
1D: Goldeneye
1E: Digdug(?)
2A: Audiosurf
2B: Pokemon
2D: Soul Calibur
3A: Animal Crossing
3B: Uncharted
3C: Shadow of the Collosus
3D: Time Crisis
3F: Metroid Prime (I'll assume the typo of Metriod wasn't intentional)
4A: Wipeout
4C: Torchlight
4D: Army of two
4E: Borderlands
5A: Bayonetta
5B: Heavy Rain
5C: Just Cause
5E: Starcraft
6A: Farcry
6B: Red Faction

Image 2


1A: Endless Ocean
1C: Half-Life
1E: Wii Sports
1F: Odin Sphere
2A: Left4Dead
2D: Lost in Blue
2E: R-Type(?) - wrong, apparently Area 51. Maths never was my strong point.
3D: Angry Birds
3E: Q-bert
3F: Chrono Cross
4A: Space invaders
4B: Elite beat agents
4C: Assassin's Creed
4D: Goldenaxe
4E: Dead Rising
4F: Star OCean
5A: Megaman
5B: The orange box
5D: Double Dragon
5E: Ultima Online
6A Dance Dance Revolution!
6B: Fallout
6D: Silent Hill
6E: Neverwinter Nights
6F: F-Zero

Image 3


1A: Elder Scrolls
1B: Micro Machines
2A: Splatterhouse
2B: Final Fantasy
2D: Broken Sword
2F: Forgotten Worlds
3A: TimeSplitters
3D: Road Rash / Road Rage(?) < WRONG! It's Streets of Rage
3E: Minewseeper
4A: New Zealand Story
4D: Black and White
4F: Colony Wars
5A: Heart of darkness
5E: Day of Defeat
6A: Guitar Hero
6B: Overboard
6E: Outrun
6F: Syphon Filter


Well-Known Member
From image 3:

13 / 36, but 2 uncertain

1A = Elder Scrolls
1B = Micro Machines
2A = Splatterhouse
2B = Final Fantasy 7
2D = Broken Sword
2F = Forgotten Worlds (?)
3D = Streets of Rage
3E = Minesweeper
4A = Fable (?)
4D = Black & White
6A = Guitar Hero
6C = Ghost Squad
6E = Outrun

I can tell you 4A is wrong, I have it if you want it.
I got 3D wrong, yours is right.
And grrr @ 6C:

I'm sorry but that does not look like a ghost, I thought it was a dinosaur print!

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I've been ading new ones I've worked out under my original posts. Some of these are REALLY hard, and I have no clue. THeres a few you and ronin got that I'm kicking myself about though. - I've not added those to mine.


Well-Known Member
If anyone has the time/patience could they compose a list of the ones we haven't answered :D


Junior Administrator
Image 1

EDIT: got my numbers/letters the wrong way round, will update later

I'm currently 24/36, but unsure on a couple
a3 Medal of Honor
a5 DigDug
b1 Audiosurf
b2 Pokemon
b3 Perfect Dark
b4 Soul Calibur
b5 Gears of War
c1 Animal Crossing
c2 Drake's Fortune: Uncharted
c3 Shadow of the Colossus
c4 Time Crisis
c6 Metroid Prime
d1 Wipeout
d4 Army of Two
e1 Bayonetta
e2 Heavy Rain
e3 Just Cause
e5 Starcraft
e6 Portal
f1 Far Cry
f2 Red Faction
f4 Midnight Club
f5 Swat 4
f6 Portal?