Name Those Games! - Some Puzzles for you


Well-Known Member
The ones that I don't think we have reasonable answers (Between us) for are:

Image 1:

1B. 1F. 4B. 5D.

Image 2:

1B, 1D. 2B. 3A. 3B. 3C. 5A. 5F. 6C.

Image 3:

1C. 1F. 4B. 5B. 5D. 5F. 6D.

1-6F? I know we had a guess but I don't think it's right.. or is it?? :D


New Member
These thing always get me i have to sit there and finishes them! lol may just look at other people's answers in hopes this doesn't drive me insane!

Cookies for the find (Y)


Super Moderator
Staff member
missing 5, unsure of a couple in image 1

1a. 1 must fall
1b. Cod5 World at War?
1c. Medal of Honor
1e. Dig Dug
2a. audiosurf
2b. pokemon
2c. perfect dark
2d. soul calibre
2e. gears of war
2f. pit fall?
3a. animal crossing
3b. uncharted
3c. shadow of the colossus
3d. time crisis
3e. brain box
3f. metroid prime
4a. wipeout
4c. torchlight
4d. Army of 2
4e. borderlands
4f. midnight club
5a. bayonetta
5b. Heavy rain
5c. Just Cause
5d. pacman?
5e. starcraft
6a. far cry
6b. red faction
6d. Bomberman
6e. portal
6f. portal 2?


Well-Known Member
The ones that I don't think we have reasonable answers (Between us) for are:

Image 1:

1B. 1F. 4B. 5D.

Image 2:

1B, 1D. 2B. 3A. 3B. 3C. 5A. 5F. 6C.

Image 3:

1C. 1F. 4B. 5B. 5D. 5F. 6D.

Got a few you guys havent got solved i think.

Really you couldnt get that one? Well i guess that demonstrates how different peoples minds work in their own magical ways.

1D of image 2 is Halo...

you know a Hey thats low... never mind

3a is Killer 7 a really out there game.

7 murderers. nuff said.

Also i think 3c of image 2 is Darkest of Days.

A clock indicating that it is supposed to be day time but a black screen

6c of image 2 is the indigo prophecy.

A list of all the rainbow colours but leaving out indigo.

1c of image 3 is the vintage Desert Strike on mega drive.

Kalahari= desert, Bowling strike marked with a X.

4b of image 6 is i think virus on the spectrum.

Code red, blaster and love bug are the names of some pretty bad computer viruses back in the day.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Arm is bent wrong way for that, and circle is on lower "torso" rather than upper in prev pic. Otherwise I'd agree..

he's just got both the portals on the same wall, and is leaning to his right through one portal, looking out of the other. The left hand image shows his front, right arm and head, the right hand image shows his left arm, front and left leg IMO


Well-Known Member
he's just got both the portals on the same wall, and is leaning to his right through one portal, looking out of the other. The left hand image shows his front, right arm and head, the right hand image shows his left arm, front and left leg IMO

.. which is exactly why it'd be wrong / can't be that.
It would still be his front, right arm and head. Unless portals have the magical ability to contort our bodies and twist left to right ;)

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
he's just got both the portals on the same wall, and is leaning to his right through one portal, looking out of the other. The left hand image shows his front, right arm and head, the right hand image shows his left arm, front and left leg IMO

.. which is exactly why it'd be wrong / can't be that.
It would still be his front, right arm and head. Unless portals have the magical ability to contort our bodies and twist left to right ;)

I see what you're getting at, but I'm still certain that's what it is supposed to be.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Figured I'd post an updated list of those I don't feel we have viable answers for:

Image 1: 1F, 4B, 5D, Arguably 6F (silkth and I disagree on this one)

Image 2: 2B, 3B, 5F

Image 3: 5D, 5F, 6D.

So 9 (or 10) still missing :( grrrr.


Well-Known Member
I actually think 1-2F should be:

Dead Space, not dead zone

I actually think 2-6C should be:

Rainbow 6, not indigo prophecy

Got 1-4B:

Got 3-5F

Got 3-6D:
Red Planet


Well-Known Member
A guess, could 2-5F be:



I had it in mind all along, just dont' like guessing sometimes.