Well-Known Member
I think I have 1 1F too.
3 5C hasn't been got, just seen a cpl guesses?
I think I have 1 1F too.
Is this not:
Yes, in my opinion.
And i thought the name of it wasx-isle - dinosaurmageddon or something equally stupid. One of my mates once got it in a bundle with a graphics card or something, i seem to remember
I actually think 1-2F should be:
Dead Space, not dead zone
Already said that
I actually think 2-6C should be:
Rainbow 6, not indigo prophecy
OK, Definitely agree
Got 1-4B:
Yes! I now feel like an idiot.
Got 3-5F
THat's a game? But yeah, fits.
Got 3-6D:
Red Planet
A guess, could 2-5F be:
I had it in mind all along, just dont' like guessing sometimes.
There was a series of old school RPG games called "Exile" I figured it would be referring to those. *finds Wiki link* Huzzah
Just still seems a little less known than most of the other titles here, but it's too obvious a pun on words to not be that.
WOW. Should have known it would be a DS game