Omg --> Spore!


In Cryo Sleep
thatbird said:
spore is the start of games that never end!! i think were gonna see real life games more now. proper all they way games to the stage where its real life in a game. so real life wont be reality.... u follow??

The Matrix, being published by EA Games this fall. Reserve your copy today!


In Cryo Sleep

As Ronin said, its a toy, the important bit is its the closest thing to never ending entertainment we have, its all randomly generated, so that starting a new game would have you fighting completely different monsters, surving completely different environments.

Unfortunately like the sims it will be put down when we lose the infatutation, unlike battlefield 2 which lures you back with the internet competitiveness of it.

The point is, i have played some serious duffers this half of the millenium, everythings a first person shooter with ragdoll physics, OMG --> ALIUMS!

im just bored of those now... halo didnt touch me anywhere special to start with.

Anyone who has played gary's mod will know that it IS better than Halflife 2, the problem with having player driven story, for example, with spore you creat your race from the cell upwards, creating your story, much like roleplaying in mmorpgs, PEOPLE CAN'T WRITE GOOD STORIES!

my swg memories of having people say "WTF? LOL RP N00B, how i mine for fish?" still burn me...



In Cryo Sleep
Tetsuo_Shima said:
The Matrix, being published by EA Games this fall. Reserve your copy today!

oh dear god!!! goign to buy milk wont be real any more. ul do it in game!!!!


Fuzzy Bunny

BiG D said:
That release date has been all over the place the last few months, I wouldn't rely too much on it...
LaughingRat was the one who poasted the link, so I'm slightly more likely to believe it.

I figured it would take a really long time for something this complex to be completed.

The game concept also reminds me a bit of Moses' idea for a game he posted about a few months ago.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Nothing like reviving a thread from the dead... :)

But but but... I do have an excuse!

Eurogamer have run a three page hands on article for Spore covering all five phases of the game. I was surprised to learn that, from the author's point of view, people are going to be spending most of their time in the Space phase of the game, though I do wonder if that's because he didn't have enough time to really get into the other phases. Either way, I'm looking forward to this and this article buoys my enthusiasm. :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
i have to say i only played for about 10-15 mins, but i did quite enjoy it and i find that i usually play those kind of games in the background while doing something else and it seems to fit that formula quite well

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Wright's games are more toys than actual games, I find. The Sims, for example, has lots you can do but no particular end goal to the game. I suspect Spore will come out the same way. I guess the beauty of a toy is that you can play with it whenever you fancy, just a little or loads and loads, and you can come back to it later if the mood strikes you. A game, once played through, can really lose lustre at that point.


Staff member
I believe Wright has confirmed that spore actually has an ending. I'll have to dig up the interview.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It looks like Spore's copy protection won't be as onerous as previously feared.

Eurogamer said:
"You need to authenticate once at the first install. This happens online. You can install on three separate computers and you do need to register for the online features."

(Source: Eurogamer)

Three separate installs from one DVD sounds pretty decent to me. Rojaws might play the game a bit and I'll probably play it a lot (if it's as good as it seems) but buying two copies of a game for a single household has always seemed prohibitively expensive to me.