PR Clan matching

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hosed. As in totally fookered.

I'll start the upload now. It'll probably take a while, though. ~13 hours... I'll shout when it's done.


Well as Giz and Nanor already know i got my mike to work again and im DL the mod at 85Kbs too slow :(.

But im in i'll play any role in this clan if its happening.
Just dont expect too much from me yet need practise.


Junior Administrator
So then, how'd the scrim go guys? Really sorry that I couldn't make it and wont be able to make it tonight. Somewhat annoyed about this but my DSL provider has decided that there's a block on my internet which BT has no knowledge of and the weekend support stsaff suck. So I only have internet at work which is a real bummer.


Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yep, that sucks. Hope you get it back soon!

[edit]Oh, yeah, the scrim...[/edit]

Well, there was a bunch of confusion but I think Taffy was the first to show around 21:30. I eventually made it on around 22:30 and we pulled in a few more around 23:00ish. I think the final tally was me, Taffy, Nanor, Gizmo and Cook. We had some good games but server stability was something of an issue and then, of course, there was my fatal helo crash... (I was all ready, powered up, good to go, then it turned midnight and my torrents started about 5 seconds into flight... ping to 1000+ms and we were dead moments later and I was kicked for TKing :eek: ).

Still, we stuck together, played as a team (except Cook...?) and there was even mutterings that people were having actual fun. :)


Junior Administrator
hey cool, when i get my internets back i'll come and organise something again and play again!


Junior Administrator
I should be here for tonights attempt, i just decided that Transformers was a much better use of my time :P


Still, we stuck together, played as a team (except Cook...?) and there was even mutterings that people were having actual fun. :)

Hey wot you on about i was forced on the other team from the start and couldnt switch till the game when everyone decided to leave :( Bums.

But then me Gizmo and Nanor nearly defended the beaches of D-Day :D but we failed lasted like 55 mins out of the 60. GUTTED!