Project Reality

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yep, Gibsonfire [thread=119]brought it up[/thread] back in early 2006. I'd given up on BF2, and Battlefield in general, until I picked up Project Reality 0.5.

Now, I'm pretty short on play time but what time I do get I'm pumping into this. It's pretty much how I like my FPS games: tactical, brutal and with a heavy edge of "if this were the real world, it'd work like this" while still not losing the game aspect.

The download is over 1GB (1.3ish?) so I'd say only start on this if:

  • You like games that deal out brutal, sudden death (e.g. Red Orchestra from a year or so ago).
  • You appreciate the fine line between "realism" and "this is still a game, not a simulator".
  • You kinda liked BF2 but got fed up with being pwned by the same MG, spec ops or sniper over and over to the point where you wondered if there was any point using anything else.
  • You like your ironsights and lack of a central crosshair... and ammo counter (you get a mag counter)... and health bar... and kill messages...

The basic rifleman, medic, engineer, light AT and spec ops kits are available for anyone. Snipers, support gunners, heavy AT and AA kits are restricted to squads with 2/3/4 people (or more) in them. Vehicles require a crew kit. Kits are acquired at spawn points. No more uber-sniper TKing to steal the tank. Oh, and the sniper, heavy AT, AA and support kits are limited across the team. No longer a team of 8 snipers, 10 support gunners, 8 spec ops and the rest as medics... (that said, plenty of people do take the medic kit... :p ).

You're going to die in 1 to 3 rounds to the body, 1 to the head. Even if you don't, you'll be bleeding. Keep a medic nearby at all times. The more you die, the longer it'll take you to spawn. Play carefully. Sometimes it's better to lose a flag and come back in force than it is to sit on it and die over and over (though that was true in BF2, IIRC).

Most weapons are on ironsights. Only a short list have a scope worth a damn, and when you've got a scope don't expect to have a nade launcher. Balanced squads rule.

There are some server lag and crash issues at the moment. Expect 2/5 patches of lag in any hour, plus a crash every two hours. They're working on the fixes right now.

Despite the issues and the clear nature of this game as being "in development", I'm very pleased. It's like airsofting. With better guns in better locations and more people. And without having to go out or pay any money. :D

Anyone else playing?


In Cryo Sleep
If it gets me a chance to play with Ronin, I'm game :).

Tried it last year... I forget the version (probably the one posted up by Gibbo) :eek:. Was on Sharqi and using the supply-route stylee. Massive pain in the bum going from one MEC base to the next, when you're pushed back that far :S.

You mentioned that the maps were good, have they inculded their own ones now? Thuper :)


In Cryo Sleep
i play this now and its amazing, for all the BF2 people they will spend most of the 1st hour or so on the deck screaming for a medic as there is no more making mad runs, in BF2 the guns were stupidly inacurate and a person could take about 10 rounds and 50 pistol rounds, welcome to the real world, where working as a squad keeps you alive, the lastest versoin is v0.5 its a monster download 1.6GB but well worth it

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Piacular said:
You mentioned that the maps were good, have they inculded their own ones now?

Yes, yes indeed. And their own game mode, too. Assault and Secure (v2). Works a little like Conquest but where only a limited number of flags are contested at any one time, often clustered in fairly close proximity. It's a little over-mobile at the moment, as it's too easy to neutral a flag, but they know and they're working on it. Honestly, I haven't yet played on an old BF2 map -- only PR custom ones. Probably means there are 6-8 of them in rotation.

Haven't got a "home" server just yet, though there's one that's just listed as "[PR] 0.5" or something similar, with a decent UK ping (50ish) and where the players generally seem sound. I'll try to remember to break out XFire again (done a ground-up reinstall just recently) so you could find me. Hell, at this rate, I might eve need to get my voice comms sorted. ;)


Well-Known Member
What do you mean AA? Anti-Air right? Stinger? :D

Sweet, I might try this, I got bored of BF2 very fast.


Well-Known Member
OK... Well, Piacular persuaded me to download it, and so I left my computer on all night waiting for it to download. Now I just need to wait 'till he gets his ass out of bed so we can play! Verdict will be given soon!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
What's Piacular doing in your bed? :eek:

I'm actually tending to play on the [PTG] server (that's the one called something simple like "[PTG] PR 0.5" or something). Mixed crowds but semi-frequent use of voice-comms and when you get a squad together they actually follow orders and stick together and shit like that.

Make sure you read the manual. This game not workie like normal BF2. You should be aware how AASv2 game type works (in the "you must take these flags and hold them to take these other flags") and how to get kits. Oh, and don't try flying anything at all 'til you've both read the manual and practised single-player! Just RTFM. :)


In Cryo Sleep
you kicked my post ronin :( i was looking at this on or something like this and then i was going to post it up but you beet me there... :(


In Cryo Sleep
i am seriusly loving this mod, its rather easy to get a decent squad (creat 1 with the name of 'teamwork' or 'voip only', however good chopper pilots are hard to find, they drop you in the middle of a battle so u get shredded before you touch the ground,

i play on that server ronin :), look for the old pubic monster mincing about


In Cryo Sleep
well tonight was interesting playing ina squad with ronin, nanor and pia, still noticing a few just, like the mega obvious 'uncappable flags' one

highlight of the night: "enemy wheel barrow spotted, hahahaha" then piacular blasts him :) tickeled my ribs that did

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yeah, that was pretty good. Thanks for the games!

Rumour has it that there might be a server side patch coming really soon to resolve some of the worst of the bugs in 0.5. Hoping that the uncappable flag and some of the server lag is sorted!

Otherwise, doing great. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah! We had a pretty damn lethal game of it! Admittedly some bits are a tad frustrating, and the maps may need to be tweaked a bit, but if you're up for some teamwork, and something a bit more serious than vanilla BF2, this is the thing for you!

I had a great time playing, there's a bit of a learning curve, but I still had fun! :D


In Cryo Sleep
i got a wee little problem... i downloaded it from gamers hell overnight, and when i go to extract the files its stops about 2/3s of the way across... I tried a print screen but it got stuck..

i have just fount out that some how it was already extracted buy it still has a problem.

"the set-up files are corrupted."

my bro just told me that the download from gamers hell has a virus in it. :eek:

Where did you lot download it from???


Staff member
I had an issue when I downloaded it as well, although I got the bittorrent one. Redownloading worked fine for me.