Project Reality


New Member
Re: Project Reality (FYI)

Yeah I realised that I was accidentally dowloading it twice, both through flashget and through firefox. Once I closed the firefox download it went down to about half an hour.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Well played this last night with Piacular, Bob, Nanor and Kirby since WOW was playing silly games. Twas interesting game. Managed to get an above 1 kill:death ratio and found it quite entertaining. Bit confusing at first and I think I would find it easier on a computer that could handle the game a bit smoother. But overall good fun :D.

Have to try again sometime.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
SgtFury said:
I think I would find it easier on a computer that could handle the game a bit smoother.

Turn your graphics settings down to medium, if you haven't already. PR lags like a demon when on high settings but goes smoothly for me on medium settings.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
hmm think mine are on low :D what I meant was at one point Piacular was telling me there was a tank through the trees, but I couldn't see it. I think my drawing distance was shorter plus my detail was worse therefore I was having problems.

Just another excuse for me getting a new computer really. Know anyone who wants to buy a 2.8 Pent 4, 1Gb RAM 60GB harddrive 9600XT computer? :D


Junior Administrator
Piacular was telling me there was a tank through the trees, but I couldn't see it.

Ahh you see this is because
Piacular is some how differently tuned to the rest of us mere mortals, where as the rest of us have need to see the enemy he just sort of senses it. :D :D :p :p
I'm enjoying PR alot more now, however my main beef with it now is on some of the maps everyone looks the same. I know in real life in a jungle that everyone would be wearing green combats etc. but it is an ass especially as you get no reference when hovering over the enemy. the only times i'm having issues is the chinese and US maps as i swear everyone looks the same.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
waterproofbob said:
especially as you get no reference when hovering over the enemy.

Yeah, the ID tags take 3-4 seconds to appear, which can be way too long for IFF challenge.

I find I flick up at the map to see if it's a green or blue spot on my mini-map radar. And careful Q spamming helps too, sometimes.

Some of it comes from having a SL who keeps his squad in good order, facing the right way, and calls friendly squad as they arrive. Some of the rest... I swear that's just Piacular's combat sense. ;)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I don't know his combat sense can be annoying sometimes. I was taking a group out last night and he jumped in front of me to see what was going on :D. I ended up getting killed.


In Cryo Sleep
Say what?!

Would that be the three people you weren't actualy shooting at :p.

Although, you do get kudos for saving ma wee life down at the docks :D.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
the 3 people were the ones that had replaced the 2 I had just blown up with a grenade :D. Plus I was trying to move to my right since i had seen someone on a diagonal trying to shoot me. Just as I finished doing that you were in the way :D.

The main thing is though it seemed an interesting way to play it. Plus felt like it supported the way THN tended to play anyway.


New Member
I think I would find it easier on a computer that could handle the game a bit smoother.

Same. All my settings are on low and i've got my video card set to 'optimum performance', which essentially means that I can't play 64-player maps. Which is a damn shame.


I have an "interesting" problem, which I can only guess is PR reality. Bob has had a kind of similar problem as well.

Since I've installed PR (and I haven't update or installed anything else around that time or after), Windows is EXTREMELY slow to load itself and programs. It used to take, at most, 30 seconds from typing in my Windows password until Firefox, XFire and MSN were loaded. Now, Windows takes a good 3-5 minutes before I can click anything, and when I load any program (from the start menu or quick launch bar) they take a good few minutes to start to load. With that, I mean that the start menu will stay on screen (though un-responive) for a good while.

Bob had a similar problem (with programs like 2142 taking ages to load), and found that killing the process tree of explorer.exe and restarting it seemed to speed things up again. This works for me too (especially if it's the first thing I do when windows has loaded).

So I was just wondering, has anyone else had problems after installing PR?


Junior Administrator
nothing like what you describe at all. my mail problem with BF2 is that it takes over a minute for it to actually log me in to my bf2 account, meaning I just sit staring at a black screen for ages while the games loads :/

I dont have that problem with 2142 either!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Nothing similar at all, though I've recently done a ground-up install of WinXP Pro SP2 for this machine.

You'll notice that explorer restarts itself, yes? It's a critical OS component that runs your desktop, taskbar, etc, etc. By killing it you killed something that was hung off that first process instance. Something else is the problem here, not PR, is my strong feeling. PR has no active components.


Yeah, if others aren't having any issues, it must be something else. And I've had this install for over 18 months now (so has filled up with a lot of junk...). It probably is about time to do a rebuild. However, I'm thinking of getting a SATA II harddrive (as I'm still on the old ATA), and reinstalling on that. It will save me having to put all my work documents onto some other media while I wipe this harddrive, so I think I shall do that!

Cheers for the responses you two, and sorry for the random babble.