Yes, you guessed it - we're running a bit low on funds again. So, without further ado, I present
(cue drumroll)
The THN Autumn raffle!
(cue trumpets)
This worked out well last time we did it, so we're trying again
Here are the rules: You buy tickets, @ €5 each. The more tickets you buy, the better the prize gets €2 out of every ticket will go towards the prize. If we sell an extraordinarily large amount of tickets, there will either be a second prize or another draw as well. Each ticket you buy will get you one chance to win out of the total amount of tickets.
The prize, then, you ask? Well it's either a shiny game of the winners choice from OR a few shiny months towards the winner's preferred subscription type game OR we'll come up with something else.
So if you buy 4 tickets and there are a total of 40 tickets sold, you will have a 10% chance of winning the price. Which would be games worth €80. Or possibly slightly less and there would be a second prize, too. That you could also win, of course. It's actually quite hard to tell what it's gonna be until we have some figures. So, the intricate machinery that is my organisational skills have come up with this brilliant plan (or rather, remembered it from last time).
You post in this thread the amount of tickets you want to buy. That post is binding (not legally, but morally). In one week or so entry's closed, the prize is announced, a draw date is set (with about one more week to make the actual payment) and then we proceed with the actual draw. If we don't get enough participants we just don't go ahead at all. And sulk.
This is done via Irony Game's Dice Server, which has a nice customisable dice selection, and pgp verification of the results. The roll result will be mailed to yours truly, and either another trusted THN member or to a mailing list. Details of that later.
All in all, you get to contribute to your favourite gaming forum and it's server AND you get a chance of winning a nice game or two! There's just no way to lose!
edit: ah, the first edit. There will probably be a few more. Payment will be through the paypal account that you use for your normal donations. Fury will kep track of who's paid what.
edit 2: Yes, why not another edit? Finished a sentence up there.
edit 3: Current subscription donators will get their donations this month counted as tickets.
(cue drumroll)
The THN Autumn raffle!
(cue trumpets)
This worked out well last time we did it, so we're trying again
Here are the rules: You buy tickets, @ €5 each. The more tickets you buy, the better the prize gets €2 out of every ticket will go towards the prize. If we sell an extraordinarily large amount of tickets, there will either be a second prize or another draw as well. Each ticket you buy will get you one chance to win out of the total amount of tickets.
The prize, then, you ask? Well it's either a shiny game of the winners choice from OR a few shiny months towards the winner's preferred subscription type game OR we'll come up with something else.
So if you buy 4 tickets and there are a total of 40 tickets sold, you will have a 10% chance of winning the price. Which would be games worth €80. Or possibly slightly less and there would be a second prize, too. That you could also win, of course. It's actually quite hard to tell what it's gonna be until we have some figures. So, the intricate machinery that is my organisational skills have come up with this brilliant plan (or rather, remembered it from last time).
You post in this thread the amount of tickets you want to buy. That post is binding (not legally, but morally). In one week or so entry's closed, the prize is announced, a draw date is set (with about one more week to make the actual payment) and then we proceed with the actual draw. If we don't get enough participants we just don't go ahead at all. And sulk.
This is done via Irony Game's Dice Server, which has a nice customisable dice selection, and pgp verification of the results. The roll result will be mailed to yours truly, and either another trusted THN member or to a mailing list. Details of that later.
All in all, you get to contribute to your favourite gaming forum and it's server AND you get a chance of winning a nice game or two! There's just no way to lose!
edit: ah, the first edit. There will probably be a few more. Payment will be through the paypal account that you use for your normal donations. Fury will kep track of who's paid what.
edit 2: Yes, why not another edit? Finished a sentence up there.
edit 3: Current subscription donators will get their donations this month counted as tickets.