Raffle time!


In Cryo Sleep
The question was really more directed at Fury as he said he was gonna inquire about accounting and stuff but he never gave us a report :P


i cant afford it...owe my parents 45..sister 15...and then theres christmas next month...and me having a 30£ income a week..otherwise i would :(


Junior Administrator
Staff member
As usual banks are slow. Its in their hands at the moment and i am still waiting :(


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Yup the paypal account is now associated with my new bank account that is only going to be for the havennet. Stops me getting confused and stops errors.

So yes full Steam ahead.

By the way could people when they make a donation for this raffle send me a PM with how much you have paid, how many tickets and what your Email/real name is. Last time it took me ages to figure out who was who :D.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Yup click the button. The account is the same as one as before except now it has a real life bank account associated with it just because Paypal said it had to have one if I was to transfer any more money.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
One complication. When clicking through the donations button, it takes me to PayPal where it asks me for an item name and donation value. Except that the value is in GBP.

Suggestions for how we translate that back into EUR for the purposes of the raffle? Current exchange rate would have €5 = £3.60.


In Cryo Sleep
Paypal has a way of allowing people transferring money into your account to choose what currency it is listed as but as far as I rememebr it has to be turned on by the account holder.

But still, right now...

www.xe.com said:

Live rates at 2007.11.22 16:18:36 UTC
5.00 EUR


3.59823 GBP
Euro United Kingdom Pounds
1 EUR = 0.719645 GBP 1 GBP = 1.38957 EUR


Live rates at 2007.11.22 16:14:36 UTC
20.00 EUR


14.4025 GBP
Euro United Kingdom Pounds
1 EUR = 0.720126 GBP 1 GBP = 1.38865 EUR
Save money. Click here!!

So, I'm just gonna donate £15, clearly it's negligibly above the price of four tickets.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So, I'm just gonna donate £15, clearly it's negligibly above the price of four tickets.

Yeah, that seems like a good plan. I'll do the same.

Remember to drop a PM to SgtFury and DocBot so that they can more easily track who sent how much for the raffle purposes.


Staff member
Right then - things are finally rolling. Those of you who hasn't already joined the raffle, you have until monday or tuesday before a price is decided. Then, after that, another week before the draw (so everyone has a chance to pay for their tickets).


Junior Administrator
I shall not be in the monies until Friday 30th, but poke me then and some monies will be sent your way.


Right then - things are finally rolling. Those of you who hasn't already joined the raffle, you have until monday or tuesday before a price is decided. Then, after that, another week before the draw (so everyone has a chance to pay for their tickets).

as i said i dont have anymoney...i seriously wish i could help :(

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Just scoured the thread and looked at our master list of people who have donated already. There's a few who have declared an interest in this thread but our master list doesn't yet reflect that they've donated and so aren't yet part of the raffle. We might not yet have updated our master list. If so, post away. Otherwise, the donation button is over yonder... or available >> here <<.

Already on the list:

  • DocBot
  • Ronin Storm
  • HotStuff
  • DeZmond
  • BiG D
  • waterproofbob
  • Traxata
  • T-Bone
  • elDiablo
  • Taffy
  • Iron Fist
  • Duren
  • Haven
  • Tetsuo Shima
  • Turang

Pending confirmation on the master list:

  • ... (none)

Not on the list but posted in this thread:

  • thatbloke

It's not too late to join in, though, even if only with a single ticket.

As the raffle was originally designated to be €5/ticket we're sticking with that (this time) despite the fact that the server fund is actually in GBP now. For a quick idea, here's how many tickets you can get in GBP based on the current exchange rate:

  • £5 = €6.95 = 1 ticket
  • £10 = €13.90 = 2 tickets
  • £15 = €20.86 = 4 tickets
  • £20 = €27.80 = 5 tickets

(all conversions correct at time of posting, courtesy of XE.com)

[edit]Added a bit where I can track who has confirmed they've paid but we need to confirm at the other end.[/edit]

[edit]Moved T-Bone to pending confirmation.[/edit]

[edit]Moved a lot of people to the confirmed list. Added a couple too.[/edit]

[edit]Added Turang and Tets.[/edit]


Junior Administrator
ERR well I have paypal receipts for both Trax and I as he no likey paypal, of money going to THN and have PMed fury so not sure why we not be on el listo. oo may have to give an extra quid as for some reason I put 14 instead of 15 for my one. Trax's one should be fine tho.