Well-Known Member
The 25 man hard modes would be the same as 10 man hard modes.
What he said. Only differences will be the 15 extra people and perhaps twice as many of the same drops from the bosses.
The 25 man hard modes would be the same as 10 man hard modes.
What he said. Only differences will be the 15 extra people and perhaps twice as many of the same drops from the bosses.
Not to mention 15 more people to mess up. ^_^
Yeah, but that is absolutely not what I meant. Since there only will be one lockout per raid (no matter the size or difficulty) I - and everyone else - will be unable to participate in, say, regular 10man with Haven AND regular 25man PUG or 10man Storm Lords/AO hard mode. Why would I want that? Because 25mans are much different in playstyle and atmosphere to 10mans so I would like to play them, but I would like to play with a more tightly-knitted group of friends in 10mans.
And steal your shinies.
And DC at a critical moment.
And not listen to tactics and screw things up.
And spam your guild chat with achievements![]()
I'm sure blizzard will be introducing the new one man raid eventually and all your needs have been answered. (Raid restricted to Paladins and Druids only ...)
...becase wanting to do more is such a terrible thing, yes. I know, we've been over that not once already.Then you'll have to make a choice. Maybe we'll be doing what people want, maybe not. If the one we decide to run as a guild to get the most people doing the stuff they want isn't good enough for some people, the door is seven keystrokes away.
...becase wanting to do more is such a terrible thing, yes. I know, we've been over that not once already.
Personally, I think 25-mans are a totally different beast than 10-mans. Not harder or easier, I don't give a crap about that, but a totally different ebast nonetheless.
Now, I really like both of them, for completely different reasons. It's my most sincere hope that, whatever raids turn up, we as The Haven end up doing them all, in both 10- and 25-man versions, and in time, 10- and 25-man hard modes as well.
So we can't do them every week? Who the hell cares?! We can certainly do them 10-man one week, and 25-man the next.
My biggest worry, though, is that the guild itself will suffer from easyitis. ("D'uh, **-mans are so much easier, who would even bother with &&-mans.") Agin, easy, hard, I don't care. I want to do both.
This all sounds like you very much want to experience all aspects of raiding available.
Go join a raiding guild you hard-core player, you![]()
I would like to take the opportunity to present my speculation that most hard-core raiding guilds will figure out which mode makes for a faster progression and stick with that.
Also, I realise you were just kidding, but the fact that I want to chill out and take a break for one weekend out of every month makes me pretty much incompatible with any serious raiding guild.