Raid Progression in Cataclysm


Active Member
/agree with Huung, it saddens me to see the "hate" towards harder-core raiding guilds, which is often very biased.


Well-Known Member
I kinda miss my hardcore raiding guild - they'd never admit they were hardcore, pretty friendly bunch. But they were hardcore - used DKP, never missed a raid.

It does eat your life away to play that much though..!

I don't hate hardcore guilds at all. But I do hate player who think they're better than me (or more skilled) for having shinier epics.


New Member
I think we will end something like this:
Most player will get two main characters. So we can raid as often as possible and still stay flexible. ( I for instance will get my priest healer and a hunter in topgear)
We will probably do 10 mans most, but with 25 sign ups we will end up doing 25 mans. Even when 25's are harder, more difficult, more laggy or whatever, we still be wanted to do 25 mans. Personally I would be PISSED if we could do a 25 man run, but we do two 10 mans in which I may not fit in. We would be dissapointing members for no reason imo. I have to trust Blizz when they say 10 and 25 mans will be equally difficult, so lets hope this will be the case :)


In Cryo Sleep
Crap, so i'd have to decide what my 2 mains would be :eek:

Mage and... Warrior? Might have too level something else..

Or level another mage.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Even though the total requirements for 10-man are fewer than those for 25-man, the specialty requirements, i.e. tanks and healers, are generally higher. As such, I expect we will still have a 25-man Friday and a 10-man everything else.

As for having two mains, don't go there. One guild main. If you want, you can PUG with your other characters, when the guild isn't raiding.

Naturally, none of this is set in stone, as nothing official is out yet. Still, it's the way I would enjoy having.



In Cryo Sleep
If we run a 25man on the friday, we wont be able to run a 10man in that raid instance, at least that is how i read it. The 'dual main' idea is so that we have enough chars to run multiple raids throughout the week, which does sound like a good idea


Junior Administrator
If we run a 25man on the friday, we wont be able to run a 10man in that raid instance, at least that is how i read it. The 'dual main' idea is so that we have enough chars to run multiple raids throughout the week, which does sound like a good idea

That's not entirely correct as I read it - what I think it means is that the same raid ID will be used for 10 OR 25 man.

So say you start it as a 25-man on the Friday, but you can't get the same people in on the Saturday, that same raid ID can be used for a 10-man group to go and finish, keeping the progress of the 25-man group from the night before.

What that then also means is that the people who were in the 25-man but not that 10-man group cannot then raid that instance again. least that's how I see it anyway.


In Cryo Sleep

Correct. There should be no circumstances under which you kill a boss more than once per week on the same character. However, in the same way that you can decide on a per-boss basis whether to try normal vs. hard mode, we might allow you to change between 10 and 25 on a per-encounter basis for additional flexibility. If you started a raid in 25-player mode and then found that you couldn’t get everyone together later in the week, you might be able to downsize the next few bosses to 10-player.

Yeah seems like you maybe right :) they are thinking about allowing the changing of raid size on a per boss basis