Just so i know are we doing prgression raids on a friday/saturday any more or is it just any day there are enough people?
You can't have it both ways. We recruited people with a specific raiding calendar in mind, and included it on the application and guild info, but we have people not turning up, not signing up.
We have raider ranked people organising their own PUGs for progression content, thus locking them out.
We have people unwilling to swap characters and hindering progress because they don't want to get locked to a partially cleared raid.
In view of this, is it any surprise that people are reluctant to organise raids?
On the other side of the coin, progression raids will only contain people capable of making progress. If that means taking a more capable player who's online ahead of someone less capable that signed up, then so be it.
Once again, agreed. My issue lately hasn't been who has been taken, but when the raids have occurred.
Repeat offenders black marked. 3 marks = demotion to trial raider rank.
People should be raiding on their main character for progression raids, with exceptions made to make the raid work (ie. tanks or healers needed). People have too much free choice atm to change who their main is totally at will, this needs to be clamped down on, and we need to be stricter on stopping people from bringing alts because they've locked their main to a non-Haven raid etc.
This all seems a bit of a mess to be honest. I myself have the double luxury of not speaking on TS and having an ISP that bottleneck my browsing to such a degree I don't know if I can get to any sites one minute from the next, let alone day.
That is partly why I don't always sign up, the other being that I have something else on my mind or else have ended up severely distracted.
I can understand setting raids up via TS to a degree, but tonight someone who hadn't signed up got in because they were on TS at the right time? Which takes priority? As with many, I don't mind not going, and with my track record for signups, I can't say I can argue with being overlooked/sidelined/whathaveyou, but for those who're signing up regularly, it's hardly just to give someone else a spot.
I'd also suggest that the message of the day be reverted to something people can't ignore, rather than some random quote that contributes nothing. You want people to sign up, ram it down their throats.
with regards to alts/mains and so forth, and switching to aid progress, this brings to mind an older conversation regarding how alts are prioritised. Without the aid of ICC, I have five characters geared for it, albeit all as dps rather than anything else. The reasons for the are two-fold: One, I tend to end up with nightmare PuGs and as I'm sure many know, tanking one can be a thankless task. Healing's not dissimilar, and at least two of my characters can pull their weight in this department. However, if I'm required to play on one character over another, or else a differing spec, I'd appreciate more time to prepare, not have it asked at the moment the raid's about to start. I can understand that this is probably only the situation because people have backed out, but as Huung suggest. Black mark people, or else guild kick, have a go or whatever.
I know some of this may come across as an incoherent rant, and possibly even hypocritical, but that's usually the case with walls of text that haven't even been proof-read.
dodging Icehowl's Glasgow kiss.
That being said, perhaps a thread with a list of how many 'active' we have of each role there is, and request those of us with the means to nominate either alts or a re-specialisation to counter anything we lack.
That's a good thing, I for one wouldn't mind changing specs or mains if it meant I actually got into raids and things started happening to all of us, rather than the chosen few.I've started doing this in the Vets forum, expect more to come out of that in the next week or two - with the approval of the other officers/vets I want to publish a list of people who we think should be signing up each week (even if it's a no) but aren't.
we must just cut the BS and come up with some "hardcore raiding" solution
we have hard modes and people where chosen beforehand. That is a nice start. Maybe if the team successfully clears ToGC10 or at least downs few bosses we can start farming it, get geared and also someday clear ICC10. Maybe there must simply be a "elite team of players"
the veterans rank was for those who'd be pretty much essential for 10-man progress
We currently have six Officers, which is less than we had before the introduction of the Veteran rank. Throw in router issues and absence for RL(RP) stuff among other things, and suddenly it's quite understandable that there are days, especially weekdays, where no officers are online at all. We don't need 20 people that can invite new members, demote midge to peon or manage the guild bank but I agree that if theres a raid scheduled, there always has to be someone online that can form and lead a group. As Zooggy said, this is one of the situations where Veterans can and should step up.
it is not unheard of that an Officer or Veteran put a raid group together only to then step themselves out.