True, but in another way than I think you understood it. Without Veterans we probably wouldn't have been able to organize a good portion of past successful raiding nights, as already discussed in
this thread,
Being a Veteran does in no way mean you have a higher priority for a raid spot. What probably led you to believe that they had, is that since all Veterans are very experienced and active players, they tend to sign up more often than Raiders and Trial Raiders, and therefore get to raid more often. Let me repeat: Veterans have no priority whatsoever over a (Trial) Raider that signed up as yes and is on time, and it is not unheard of that an Officer or Veteran put a raid group together only to then step themselves out.
I never considered them having a higher priority, per se, but rather that without a clear definition, it's what one could easily assume.
As should be obvious, I do not demand a raiding spot, nor do I say I have to be a specific role. I would however, due to my absentmindedness not mind the occasional kick to sign up if things are looking bad (or you just happen to want a change of the guard). I know it's silly, but real life does get in the way of being able to repeatedly sign up, along with the fact I just can't guarentee my mood will be productive. I won't know how I feel until that day, which means I tend to refrain from signing up in the first place (better that than sign up and repeatedly drop out).
I am aware that veterans have set up raids, and again, I'm not dismissing them or their role. If I was, I would have left the guild.
That being said, it has been a while since I've felt all that welcome within the raiding group, having lost places when I have signed up, or else being asked to go as an undergeared character (If you want me to heal raids, I need heroics first.
My dps gear is good, my secondary/tiertiary sets are lacklustre). I don't mind not bringing Lonny. Hell, I loathe playing the same role week after week, but whenever I've asked or suggested I'd like to have a chance to do something with another character, it's not ended well, which again limits gearing up for other roles (seeing as Lonny can only tank or dps, whereas my Paladin and Priest can heal/dps, etc).
Again, I'd understand more if I was a lootwhore or else one for switching mains every other day, but since joining the Haven (first half of last year) I've continued to use Lonny. It's that prolonged period of doing the same thing that further adds to me being reluctant to sign up (I know I'm not alone in needing variety).
Now, I am aware that sounded more like a random outburst, but it was more to get to this point: I want to know where we as raiders stand with regards to what flexibility we're allowed. Currently I simply don't feel confident in asking about using an alternative character, let alone trying to put a foot down.