Raiding days?


Staff member
Reading back this makes me laugh, you did the exact same thing again today. Keep on going man! This really helps.

I've not done any raiding with thehaven tonight and even if I did I signed up as a maybe.

Care to elaborate just what you're accusing me of as you've just pissed me off and I hope you've not done that for nothing.


I posted this because we where raiding today. I swapped char because i was locked for something. When i logged back in i couldnt get invited back because you where invited. Yes, that raid didn't start, i don't know why. That doesnt change the fact you got that spot. You didn't even sign up as you said and you still did it. When asking why i couldn't get back in the raid the answer was because you kept moaning to get that spot. If you want to be pissed off, be pissed off at yourself for doing the opposite as you said in the post i quoted earlier.


Staff member
I posted this because we where raiding today. I swapped char because i was locked for something. When i logged back in i couldnt get invited back because you where invited. Yes, that raid didn't start, i don't know why. That doesnt change the fact you got that spot. You didn't even sign up as you said and you still did it.

Did I really not sign up ?

no really ...

ok one last time just to be sure ...

Actually links are tricksy things so here's a nice cut'n'paste:
Haven Soulhaven 80 0/0/0 18210 21793 52 59 1143 1214 685 2155 450 450 0 0 0 0 Not sure yet if I can make it or not.
Burrick was attempting to form a continuation run and asked me to heal. It didn't happen as too many were locked. Your issue with this is nothing to do with me so care to elabore why you are kicking off ?

When asking why i couldn't get back in the raid the answer was because you kept moaning to get that spot.
News to me ... proof ? I was asked to heal, I got an invite. Nothing was said in /guild or /raid, I wasn't on teamspeak so can't say what people were saying on there but it certainly wasn't me saying anything. I'd love some elaboration of said claims.

If you want to be pissed off, be pissed off at yourself for doing the opposite as you said in the post i quoted earlier.
I still remain confused as to what I have done and why you have started this.


In Cryo Sleep
Well, I think that we can progress but most people dont care, most people whine when we try to take our best group, most people whine when we go by sign ups. As it is atm we cant win, if im organising a raid to somewhere like toc Sure im gonna go by sign ups if its icc thats a different matter, if your one of the people that says we cant progress cos you never let us go there. Well do heroics with badges you can get the adequate gear for the place if you have the gear and are doing something wrong there is bound to be a person in the guild with the same class who is doing what they should who can help you . WTB CLASS MASTERS PLOGSSSSSSS, and more officers as we have raz, zoogs and rhya atm. kk much love, and FU GLEN

And haven.... are you sure you signed up :P


In Cryo Sleep
Personally I think that we must just cut the BS and come up with some "hardcore raiding" solution. I think there are other people like me (or at least I hope there is) that think that this community thing will never work if the guild or part of the guild is willing to progress.
I have been now in the 2nd wing of ICC 10 with the guild for at least 4 times maybe more and downed nothing, I am not saying it was a waste of time, or that I am better than the rest of you, but come one its like we are mashing our heads into the wall. :(

So what I am hoping for is a "radical" solution. Like now we have hard modes and people where chosen beforehand. That is a nice start. Maybe if the team successfully clears ToGC10 or at least downs few bosses we can start farming it, get geared and also someday clear ICC10. Maybe there must simply be a "elite team of players" and the rest, well the rest is the rest... if you get my drift.

And yes I know that some people are not going to like this. But you know what, life sucks and if you want clear ICC10/25 and ToGC10/25 you better get geared, learn your class and learn tactics do whatever is required of you.
Just become a more "hardcore gamer" this dose not mean that you must sit all the time and play the game and not have a life. Just know what you are doing. And when/if we get more people that are on time for raid invites there is even a possibility of a 25man raid. But for now I think clearing ICC10 and ToGC10 is 1st on our list.

Bottom line is that this mix of community, alts, raiders and people who want to do the "hard ones" is not going to work. What we need is change. Change that probaly will effect the community side of the guild badly.

i know I'm not around anymore these days, and despite some desire to come back and try ICC 10 i doubt i will any time soon.

However having read your post specifically Enya i feel i need to point out that this idea has been done before and the shit storm it created is the reason myself and a few others were always reluctant to try and suggest it again.

T-Bone organized that 3 week raiding party where only our truly best were allowed to go into the raiding group with the idea of attempting to clear Ulduar. Up until that point we were struggling to get to the keepers and only on occasion killing one of them. Our Elite group managed to work its way to yogg saron and from then on most our groups were doing just as good.

I cant remember names of those who opposed the initial idea, and even if i could i wouldnt want to name names. When T-Bone announced this idea i know that we had a handful of members started to complain and whine, accusing the officers of being elitist etc etc and i believe one or two even left the guild over it. Then these people wonder why our raid leaders get so annoyed at people when they have to make difficult decisions that ultimately benefit the whole guild and they get shit for it.

Reading over the forums its a little disheartening to see the guild suffering what i assume are the same problems it had when i was forced to leave WoW.

Either way i hope things sort them selves out

TL : DR Enya's idea of an "elite" group for the purposes of progression, if done right, is an incredibly good idea. people need to stop opposing "hard core" suggestions if they can ultimately benefit the entire guild


right im totally sick of all this shit, when midge left and handed over the lead to me i thought we could have a go at downing saurfang we were missing a healer so i whispered haven asking him if he would like to do it ... I DID NOT realise youn was logging over to another char and if it was said in raid i missed it and no one else told me either so as far as i knew we needed one... I was getting whispers from lots of people all asking to come and could not keep up with all the raid ids flying at me ... The only reason i try to raid lead is because no one else will but from now on fuck it some other mug can do it im tired of constant moaning and getting told what to do


Well-Known Member
right im totally sick of all this shit, when midge left and handed over the lead to me i thought we could have a go at downing saurfang we were missing a healer so i whispered haven asking him if he would like to do it ... I DID NOT realise youn was logging over to another char and if it was said in raid i missed it and no one else told me either so as far as i knew we needed one... I was getting whispers from lots of people all asking to come and could not keep up with all the raid ids flying at me ... The only reason i try to raid lead is because no one else will but from now on fuck it some other mug can do it im tired of constant moaning and getting told what to do

Welcome to the occaisonal stresses of raid-leading mate. Sometimes it's all wonderful and easy and everything just goes so perfectly smooth and everyone's happy (and raid-leading in such times can give no small amount of satisfaction :) ), and sometimes it all just goes to shit because of the pace of things and miscommunication. This is what Tbone and, to a less extent, myself have had to put up with in the past, and it's exactly why we're trying to shore things up in terms of raid leadership, raid days and, well, everything.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Raid Leadership is not straight forward....... most people who think it is, haven't done it.. or did it on a boss that everyone knew what they were doing anyway and they were not leading they were just standing at the front.

If someone steps up to do it they should get support, because without someone taking the flac noone will get anywhere they want.

2 cents


In Cryo Sleep
Ahh, was lovely seeing the Old Pic Huung, they where the good old days of Belegon the Dressadin! Ahhhhhhh *Memories*

Raiding is what it is, either the best part of the week, or the worst day of your life. Not everyone will like officer decisions all the time, not all officers like making them.

As for "Elite" groups, its done more of an "experience the raid to be able to lead it thing", notice mainly officers going. The blind leading the blind doesn't work very well when organising others, its only (should be) temporary on a new raid... don't quote me though, im a bit behind the WoW times...

Please folks, understand, leaving people out is never easy, and never wanted.

On another note, this thread is going the way of old yella, arguing gets people no where, lets see some solutions *pro active thumbs up*