Personally I think that we must just cut the BS and come up with some "hardcore raiding" solution. I think there are other people like me (or at least I hope there is) that think that this community thing will never work if the guild or part of the guild is willing to progress.
I have been now in the 2nd wing of ICC 10 with the guild for at least 4 times maybe more and downed nothing, I am not saying it was a waste of time, or that I am better than the rest of you, but come one its like we are mashing our heads into the wall.
So what I am hoping for is a "radical" solution. Like now we have hard modes and people where chosen beforehand. That is a nice start. Maybe if the team successfully clears ToGC10 or at least downs few bosses we can start farming it, get geared and also someday clear ICC10. Maybe there must simply be a "elite team of players" and the rest, well the rest is the rest... if you get my drift.
And yes I know that some people are not going to like this. But you know what, life sucks and if you want clear ICC10/25 and ToGC10/25 you better get geared, learn your class and learn tactics do whatever is required of you.
Just become a more "hardcore gamer" this dose not mean that you must sit all the time and play the game and not have a life. Just know what you are doing. And when/if we get more people that are on time for raid invites there is even a possibility of a 25man raid. But for now I think clearing ICC10 and ToGC10 is 1st on our list.
Bottom line is that this mix of community, alts, raiders and people who want to do the "hard ones" is not going to work. What we need is change. Change that probaly will effect the community side of the guild badly.