Riddle Me This


Well-Known Member
The one who didn't die thawed out and died some other place?

EDIT: Oh, none because they are all imaginary? "supposin' supposin'" ??? :D


Junior Administrator
They are all in fact iced lollymen.
Thus they can in a sense die due to being eaten however as they were never alive they are all consequently all dead as well.


Well-Known Member
Psi gets it, unless that's what Bradstreet was saying?

For clarification:

Supposin' Supposin' ten men were frozen,
Supposin' 9 of them died,
How many were left alive?

None, 'cuz you're only supposin'!


In Cryo Sleep
My turn! What goes up the chimney down but not down the chimney up? (And no this isn't about Santa Claus's sexual peccadillos.)


In Cryo Sleep
I was thinking of an umbrella, but a parasol will do :) And Rai, yours is: ask one guard what the other one will say and assume the opposite (thanks David Bowie and Labyrinth!). Psi's turn!


Junior Administrator
Ehh, someone told me this riddle

You walk along a road, and get to a post with 2 directions, one path goes to paradise, the other to hell. Each direction is represented by a guard, they both look the same, but one is a liar, and one is telling the truth. How do you figure which question you should ask and which way you should pick to paradise?

edit: translating this wasn't easy, don't got all loco on ma' english, pl0x

The English is fairly spot except for that last sentence requesting we don't complain about the English. Sorry that isn't fair. I'm always truly impressed by the members of these forums who don't speak English as a first language, your grammar is often better than most of us. I include myself in that group of grammatical failures.

Anyway regarding the riddle.
You ask either guard regarding one of the paths " If I ask the other guard if this is the correct path what will he tell me"

You will either get 2 yes' or 2 no's and can make the judgement from there.

Ahh no Rai removed his and I like that one.


Well-Known Member
I am on a docked ferry; a rope-ladder hangs over the side of the ferry with each rung spaced half a metre apart. The sea-level rises a half metre per hour, and 9 rungs are above water level (The rest is under-water).

After 5 hours, how many rungs of the rope-ladder will still be above the water?


In Cryo Sleep

Ferrys float in water, and I came and dropped the ladder in by a metre in the meantime ;-)


In Cryo Sleep
What, through sheer awkwardness ;-) :p hehe

whats the next number?



In Cryo Sleep
Its impossible to tell because each line doesnt follow alogical course form the one above it. Each line list what is above it ie.


Second line saying there is one instance of the number 1.



Third line saying two instances of the number 1.

However, in your example none of the lines seem to form from a logical list of the way the numbers are arranged, just in any old order. So the component parts in the line would be

41 - 12 - 23 - 15

So four 1's, one 2, two 3's and one 5.


In Cryo Sleep

Order was arbitrary, it was just desciption of the digits in the above number, not in any order :)


In Cryo Sleep
OK, this is one I remember my uncle telling me when I was a kid, I hope I get this right. :P

There exists a product, commonplace in every way.
The person who makes the product has no use for it.
The person who buys the product doesn't use it.
The person who does use the product is unaware they are using it.
What is the product?