I realize that you understood the problem and were just adding a little joke for quipping's sake. Still, this answer was bugging me for the better part of a day, and I couldn't really put my finger on it. Then, it hit me!
Wouldn't that just increase the number of rungs under water and leave the number of rungs above water the same? Unless you tell me that the ladder had just run out of further rungs when you dropped it in by a metre, which, really, is just an incredible coincidence, is it not?
I am on a docked ferry; a rope-ladder hangs over the side of the ferry with each rung spaced half a metre apart. [...] 9 rungs are above water level (The rest is under-water).
After 5 hours, how many rungs of the rope-ladder will still be above the water?
7 [...] I came and dropped the ladder in by a metre in the meantime ;-)
I realize that you understood the problem and were just adding a little joke for quipping's sake. Still, this answer was bugging me for the better part of a day, and I couldn't really put my finger on it. Then, it hit me!
Wouldn't that just increase the number of rungs under water and leave the number of rungs above water the same? Unless you tell me that the ladder had just run out of further rungs when you dropped it in by a metre, which, really, is just an incredible coincidence, is it not?