Part 2: Drums!
So the drums work like you'd expect. You hit some things with some sticks, and they make a lot of noise. The controller itself is, well, big. I'm sure moving it won't be much fun (looking into getting one of
these to ease the pain, though.) Piecing it together is simple enough, though, so it isn't a big deal to take it apart for storage or whatever. It comes with some drumsticks, as well, so no need to worry about that. The overall quality of the kit is very good. The rubber on the pads seems to hold up quite well, and the pedal seems quite solid, with a good resistance behind it. The main issue, as I implied before, is that it's
loud. Turning up the TV will help, but people are already seeking better solutions.
As for the gameplay itself, it also works like you'd expect. Coloured boxes scroll down the screen, and you smack the corresponding drum pad when they hit the bottom. The bass pedal is indicated on screen by a horizontal line, probably the least intuitive part of the whole design. The patterns feel very authentic, especially on hard & expert.
Overdrive works similar to the guitar: when a series of white notes come down, hit all of them to gain some charge. Unlike the guitar, though, you can't activate it at will. Instead, when you have sufficient charge, the game will periodically stop sending you notes, allowing you to do a freestyle fill. Hitting the crash at the end of the fill will start overdrive. This is easily the most fun part of the game, as you can make the fill as crazy (or boring) as you like.
The experience is very authentic, and it's very difficult on some of the harder songs. Getting your right foot to fire between the beats your right arm is hammering out is difficult, to say the least.

This is where I can see people who lack rhythm really getting stuck. If you manage to get the hang of that, then have fun with the drumrolls
On the whole, it's an excellent experience, and it's no doubt going to take months for me to master (if I'm able to at all...)
Next up: Vocals & putting it all together.