Rock Band


Active Member
That's an incredible difference of price. It's outrageous for them to expect people to pay that amount of money, and it is completely unfair for there to be such a difference in price in the first place.


Junior Administrator
That's an incredible difference of price. It's outrageous for them to expect people to pay that amount of money, and it is completely unfair for there to be such a difference in price in the first place.

precisely why i am now boycotting rock band until its price decreases sufficiently.


Junior Administrator
I am at work atm so cannot look myself, but I wonder if one of you could look at this before I get home and look myself...

How much would it cost to have a US Xbox 360 Arcade and US Rock Band imported from the US? I'm wondering how much it would be in £, in comparison to the currently reported £180 price tag for Rock Band on its own in the UK...


Staff member
About double what I paid.

Worth it.

Well it might be, but there's also a point to not accepting publishers demanding twice the price here, just because they can.

That might actually be worth not having the game.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
How much would it cost to have a US Xbox 360 Arcade and US Rock Band imported from the US?

People appear to be talking about importing the RB hardware from the US and buying the European game so it's PAL for the PAL consoles (so, not region locking but still encoding differences :P ).

However, most reputable channels are expressly forbidden from exporting.


Staff member
People appear to be talking about importing the RB hardware from the US and buying the European game so it's PAL for the PAL consoles (so, not region locking but still encoding differences :P ).

However, most reputable channels are expressly forbidden from exporting.
All you would need is the drums. Your GH3 controller should work, and the mic is a simple USB mic. That's $80CDN, plus shipping (which is probably ridiculous, yes.)

Seriously? Not that I can afford the game at that price, but seriously worth that huge price tag?
My conservative estimate is that I have slightly less than 400 hours logged with the game since November. That's a much better $$/time ratio than most games I've purchased lately, and it's easily the most fun you can have with a group of people (though Smash Bros. comes close.)

Would I have bought it if it was $370 on release? (A rough exchange rate calculation...) Probably not. Now that I've played it? Absolutely.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Ah, this is why I like Eurogamer... they follow up!

Rock Band man defends Euro price (@Eurogamer)

Eurogamer said:
Speaking to Eurogamer today Kay, who is lead designer on the game, conceded, "The combined price, if you add all that up and decide you want that full experience, is quite high. It's not something that is normal in videogames.

"But Rock Band isn't normal in videogames," he continued. "This is an entirely new thing. What other game comes with three peripherals that are all different? It just makes sense for the experience we're trying to deliver."

Not sure it does "make sense" but that's what he said.


Well, (even though I have little to no interest in the game itself) I understand that it will be higher in price than other games on the market, due to it being released with peripherals. That's fine. Guitar Hero is more expensive than normal games too. That's fine as well. What doesn't make sense is the price different between the US and Euro editions. £85 in the US and £180 here... The US is less than half the price here. That is a rip off, that is criminal (morally) and that is going to cost them a lot in sales, I believe. Unless everyone is stupid.

Also, can't wait to see what Yahtzee says about the price :D


Junior Administrator
Is it really so expensive here though that the price needs to be DOUBLE what they charge in america for it?


Junior Administrator
I always expect stuff over here to be more expensive they love to screw us, but over twice as much is just extortion. That is new graphics card money, or even new console money. You should never have to pay more for a game than the thing you are playing it on that is potty. Unless the game does a lot more than this is going to. The uni cgsoc are pretty pissed at this as well there's been serious buzz about people wanting this and unless we start buying it as a houses in groups then it's pretty much a lost cause.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Eurogamer have the full interview with Roy Kay, lead designer for Rock Band, where they ask him about pricing and other stuff, and more about pricing, and yet more about pricing. They're relatively polite about it but they're pretty persistent.

Eurogamer said:
[The release date and price] announcements were almost entirely forgotten as the Internet was too busy going, "WHAT? One HUNDRED and EIGHTY POUNDS?" Or, "Zut ALORS! DEUX-cent QUARANTE EURO?" etc.

So when we sat down for a chat with Rob Kay, design director at Harmonix and lead designer on Rock Band, it was obvious what our first question would be about. And our second, third and the next eight.


Junior Administrator have the game and the "Band in a box" for £140 combined (pre-order price) - £99.99 for the instruments and £39.99 for the game.

As for the interview, most hypocritical comment is this one:

But I can say for sure, we've tried to set up a situation where people can not feel ripped off playing the game...